
September 15, 2019 at 7:59 pm #1138557
after i updated your theme the layout is completly crashed.
– What has been a gallery with miniatures before is now one long row of big images below each other.
-Lightboxes dont work anymore
-The whole layout structure is foobar!
If i look in the backend everything looks fine, the ALB shows everything as its supposed to be, but the output in the frontend is horrible.
Please check at first if there is something in our childthemes functions.php which maybe doesnt work anymore and which could cause that conflict.
The problem arises only on pages that uses a custom post type. The developer of the plugin says its a theme issueHere it is:
<?php //$avia_config['imgSize']['square-custom'] = array('width'=>300, 'height'=>300); // small image for blogs //$avia_config['imgSize']['square2'] = array('width'=>400, 'height'=>400); // small image for blogs /* * Add your own functions here. You can also copy some of the theme functions into this file. * WordPress will use those functions instead of the original functions then. */ function enqueue_parent_theme_style() { wp_enqueue_style( 'parent-style', get_template_directory_uri().'/style.css' ); } add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'enqueue_parent_theme_style'); /* Proper way to enqueue styles and scripts */ function theme_name_scripts() { wp_enqueue_style( 'style-name', get_stylesheet_uri() ); } add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'theme_name_scripts' ); /* Activate Avia debug mode */ add_action('avia_builder_mode', "builder_set_debug"); function builder_set_debug() { return "debug"; } add_filter('avf_builder_boxes', 'add_builder_to_posttype'); function add_builder_to_posttype($metabox) { foreach($metabox as &$meta) { if($meta['id'] == 'avia_builder' || $meta['id'] == 'layout') { $meta['page'][] = 'angebot'; /*instead add the name of the custom post type here*/ $meta['page'][] = 'bild-des-tages'; /*instead add the name of the custom post type here*/ } } return $metabox; } add_filter('avf_blog_style','avia_change_category_blog_layout', 10, 2); function avia_change_category_blog_layout($layout, $context){ if($context == 'archive') $layout = 'blog-grid'; return $layout; } add_filter('avf_blog_style','avia_change_tag_blog_layout', 10, 2); function avia_change_tag_blog_layout($layout, $context){ if($context == 'tag') $layout = 'blog-grid'; return $layout; } /* Länge des Auszug auf Blogseite */ add_filter('avf_postgrid_excerpt_length','avia_change_postgrid_excerpt_length', 10, 1); function avia_change_postgrid_excerpt_length($length) { $length = 100; return $length; } /* Doppelten Breadcrumb entfernt */ add_filter( 'avia_breadcrumbs_trail', 'mmx_remove_element_from_trail', 50, 2 ); function mmx_remove_element_from_trail( $trail, $args ) { if ( is_single() ) { unset ($trail[2]); } return $trail; } add_filter('avf_form_use_wpmail', 'avia_change_php_mail', 10, 3); function avia_change_php_mail($active, $new_post, $form_params){ return true; } add_theme_support('avia_template_builder_custom_css'); add_filter('avf_logo_subtext', 'kriesi_logo_addition'); function kriesi_logo_addition($sub) { $sub .= "<div id='headText'> <a href='http://www.maskenzauber.com'><h1>Venezianische<span> Masken</span></h1></a> <span id='subslogan'>und Headdresses</span> </div>"; $sub .= "<div id='headClaim'> <strong>Hier kommt</strong> eine Unterzeile hin </div>"; return $sub; } add_filter('avf_title_args','fotos_remove_bc'); function fotos_remove_bc($args){ if(is_single() && 'post' == get_post_type()) { $args['breadcrumb'] = false; } return $args; } add_filter('avf_title_args','fotosangebot_remove_bc'); function fotosangebot_remove_bc($args){ if(is_single() && 'angebot' == get_post_type()) { $args['breadcrumb'] = false; } return $args; } //entfernt den Kommentarblock und die Datumsangaben aus dem Combo Widget // class avia_combo_widget extends WP_Widget { function avia_combo_widget() { //Constructor $widget_ops = array('classname' => 'avia_combo_widget', 'description' => 'A widget that displays your popular posts, recent posts, recent comments and a tagcloud' ); $this->WP_Widget( 'avia_combo_widget', THEMENAME.' Combo Widget', $widget_ops ); } function widget($args, $instance) { // prints the widget extract($args, EXTR_SKIP); $posts = empty($instance['count']) ? 4 : $instance['count']; echo $before_widget; echo "<div class='tabcontainer border_tabs top_tab tab_initial_open tab_initial_open__1'>"; echo '<div class="tab first_tab active_tab widget_tab_popular"><span>'.__('Popular', 'avia_framework').'</span></div>'; echo "<div class='tab_content active_tab_content'>"; avia_get_post_list('cat=&orderby=comment_count&posts_per_page='.$posts); echo "</div>"; echo '<div class="tab widget_tab_recent"><span>'.__('Recent', 'avia_framework').'</span></div>'; echo "<div class='tab_content'>"; avia_get_post_list('showposts='. $posts .'&orderby=post_date&order=desc'); echo "</div>"; echo '<div class="tab last_tab widget_tab_tags"><span>'.__('Tags', 'avia_framework').'</span></div>'; echo "<div class='tab_content tagcloud'>"; wp_tag_cloud('smallest=12&largest=12&unit=px'); echo "</div>"; echo "</div>"; echo $after_widget; } function update($new_instance, $old_instance) { $instance = $old_instance; foreach($new_instance as $key=>$value) { $instance[$key] = strip_tags($new_instance[$key]); } return $instance; } function form($instance) { //widgetform in backend $instance = wp_parse_args( (array) $instance, array('count' => 4) ); if(!is_numeric($instance['count'])) $instance['count'] = 4; ?> <p> <label for="<?php echo $this->get_field_id('count'); ?>">Number of posts you want to display: <input class="widefat" id="<?php echo $this->get_field_id('count'); ?>" name="<?php echo $this->get_field_name('count'); ?>" type="text" value="<?php echo esc_attr($instance['count']); ?>" /></label></p> <?php } } function avia_get_post_list( $avia_new_query , $excerpt = false) { global $avia_config; $image_size = isset($avia_config['widget_image_size']) ? $avia_config['widget_image_size'] : 'widget'; $additional_loop = new WP_Query($avia_new_query); if($additional_loop->have_posts()) : echo '<ul class="news-wrap">'; while ($additional_loop->have_posts()) : $additional_loop->the_post(); $format = ""; if(get_post_type() != 'post') $format = get_post_type(); if(empty($format)) $format = get_post_format(); if(empty($format)) $format = 'standard'; echo '<li class="news-content post-format-'.$format.'">'; //check for preview images: $image = ""; if(!current_theme_supports('force-post-thumbnails-in-widget')) { $slides = avia_post_meta(get_the_ID(), 'slideshow'); if( $slides != "" && !empty( $slides[0]['slideshow_image'] ) ) { $image = avia_image_by_id($slides[0]['slideshow_image'], 'widget', 'image'); } } if(!$image && current_theme_supports( 'post-thumbnails' )) { $image = get_the_post_thumbnail( get_the_ID(), $image_size ); } $time_format = apply_filters( 'avia_widget_time', get_option('date_format')." - ".get_option('time_format'), 'avia_get_post_list' ); $nothumb = (!$image) ? 'no-news-thumb' : ''; echo "<a class='news-link' title='".get_the_title()."' href='".get_permalink()."'>"; echo "<span class='news-thumb $nothumb'>"; echo $image; echo "</span>"; echo "<strong class='news-headline'>".avia_backend_truncate(get_the_title(), 55," "); //echo "<span class='news-time'>".get_the_time($time_format)."</span>"; echo "</strong>"; echo "</a>"; if('display title and excerpt' == $excerpt) { echo "<div class='news-excerpt'>"; the_excerpt(); echo "</div>"; } echo '</li>'; endwhile; echo "</ul>"; wp_reset_postdata(); endif; } //erzeugt Next / Preview Links in Blogposts auch bei Verwendung von Fullwidth-Slider // if(!function_exists('avia_post_nav')) { function avia_post_nav($same_category = false, $taxonomy = 'category') { global $wp_version; $settings = array(); $settings['same_category'] = $same_category; $settings['excluded_terms'] = ''; $settings['wpversion'] = $wp_version; $settings['type'] = get_post_type(); $settings['taxonomy'] = ($settings['type'] == 'portfolio') ? 'portfolio_entries' : $taxonomy; if(!is_singular() || is_post_type_hierarchical($settings['type'])) $settings['is_hierarchical'] = true; if($settings['type'] === 'topic' || $settings['type'] === 'reply') $settings['is_bbpress'] = true; $settings = apply_filters('avia_post_nav_settings', $settings); if(!empty($settings['is_bbpress']) || !empty($settings['is_hierarchical']) || !empty($settings['is_fullwidth'])) return; if(version_compare($settings['wpversion'], '3.8', '>=' )) { $entries['prev'] = get_previous_post($settings['same_category'], $settings['excluded_terms'], $settings['taxonomy']); $entries['next'] = get_next_post($settings['same_category'], $settings['excluded_terms'], $settings['taxonomy']); } else { $entries['prev'] = get_previous_post($settings['same_category']); $entries['next'] = get_next_post($settings['same_category']); } $entries = apply_filters('avia_post_nav_entries', $entries, $settings); $output = ""; foreach ($entries as $key => $entry) { if(empty($entry)) continue; $the_title = isset($entry->av_custom_title) ? $entry->av_custom_title : avia_backend_truncate(get_the_title($entry->ID),75," "); $link = isset($entry->av_custom_link) ? $entry->av_custom_link : get_permalink($entry->ID); $image = isset($entry->av_custom_image) ? $entry->av_custom_image : get_the_post_thumbnail($entry->ID, 'thumbnail'); $tc1 = $tc2 = ""; $class = $image ? "with-image" : "without-image"; $output .= "<a class='avia-post-nav avia-post-{$key} {$class}' href='{$link}' >"; $output .= " <span class='label iconfont' ".av_icon_string($key)."></span>"; $output .= " <span class='entry-info-wrap'>"; $output .= " <span class='entry-info'>"; $tc1 = " <span class='entry-title'>{$the_title}</span>"; if($image) $tc2 = " <span class='entry-image'>{$image}</span>"; $output .= $key == 'prev' ? $tc1.$tc2 : $tc2.$tc1; $output .= " </span>"; $output .= " </span>"; $output .= "</a>"; } return $output; } } add_filter('avf_debugging_info', 'remove_debugging_info', $info); function remove_debugging_info($info) { $info = ''; return $info; } remove_action( 'init', 'cptui_create_custom_post_types', 10 ); add_action( 'init', 'cptui_create_custom_post_types', 11 ); // Nach Dateinamen in der Mediathek suchen function posts_search_media_filenames($search, $a_wp_query) { global $wpdb, $pagenow; // Only Admin side && Only Media Library page if ( !is_admin() && 'upload.php' != $pagenow ) return $search; // Original search string: // AND (((wp_posts.post_title LIKE '%search-string%') OR (wp_posts.post_content LIKE '%search-string%'))) $search = str_replace( 'AND ((', 'AND (((' . $wpdb->prefix . 'posts.guid LIKE \'%' . $a_wp_query->query_vars['s'] . '%\') OR ', $search ); return $search; } add_filter('posts_search', 'posts_search_media_filenames', 10, 2); // Sortiert alle Bilder in der masonry-Galerie nach Zufall add_filter('avia_masonry_entries_query', 'avia_random_image_query', 10, 2); function avia_random_image_query($query, $params) { if(!empty($query['post_mime_type']) && $query['post_mime_type'] == 'image') { $query['orderby'] = "rand"; } return $query; } function remove_avia_search(){ remove_filter( 'wp_nav_menu_items', 'avia_append_search_nav', 10, 2 ); } add_action( 'init' , 'remove_avia_search' ); add_filter( 'avf_main_menu_nav' , 'um_enfold_menu' , 100 , 1 ); function um_enfold_menu( $menu ){ $menu = ubermenu( 'main' , array( 'theme_location' => 'avia' , 'echo' => false ) ); return $menu; } add_image_size( 'my-ubermenu-image-size', 100, 100, true );
September 17, 2019 at 5:11 pm #1139162I am waiting since 47 hours now.
Do you still support?September 18, 2019 at 4:19 am #1139311Hi,
Sorry for the delay.
Where can we see the issue? You forgot to add a link to the site. Screenshots will also help. You can upload them to imgur or dropbox, then post the link here. Did you enable the Performance > File Compression settings? Please toggle that option and disable the cache plugin if there’s any.
Best regards,
IsmaelOctober 4, 2019 at 12:24 am #1144797What we found out meanwhile:
1: ALB does not work at all in Chrome – it just shows the shortcodes but does not show the builder
2: The textcontent of the frontpage stays exactly the same – whatever we edit.
Example: We replace “The brown fox jumps over the fence” against “Lorum ipsum dolor”.
Reult: We see “lorum ipsum dolor” on the editpage, but not on the front page.
This is NOT a caching issue
3: we researched further and found out that “The brown fox jumps over the fence” is still in the database after we edit it via the ALB or texteditor.
It seems as if it is pulled out from either a metadata-table or from a stored autosave.
But it is written in the database.
Looks a bit like this:
Write –> TableX
Read from –> TableYCONSIDER:
Meanwhile i am very much sure that there is a glitch in the markup of your new version cause the issue happens only on pages which contains a pricing table (we got 40 pages in our dev-area) and all of them have that issue.
Every other page/posts/tax looked good after the update.
And since you changed a lot of your markup you might have a loom into it.
PS: we could repeat it every time we triedThis is what it is supposed to be:
This is what it looks like after the update:
Remember: This is a custom post type and the issue only happens there.
We develop a new version of our website on our localhost and this is just a copy of the issue part.
As you can see it is narrowed down so that there is no doubt about where to look for – its not a third plugin or so that causes or created the conflict.Kind regards
This reply was modified 5 years, 4 months ago by
October 6, 2019 at 9:21 pm #1145540Hi,
Please post us your login credentials (in the “private data” field), so we can take a look at your backend.
- Install and activate ” Temporary Login Without Password “.
- Go to ” Users > Temporary Logins ” on the left-side menu.
- Click ” Create New “.
- Add the email address for the account ( you can use (Email address hidden if logged out) ), as well as the ” Role ” making that the highest possible and the expiry about four days
( do be sure that we have enough time to debug ). - Click ” Submit “.
- You’ll now have a temporary account. Please provide us here in the private section the URL, so we can login and help you out.
When your issue is fixed, you can always remove the plugin!
If you prefer to not use the plugin, you can manually create an admin user and post the login credentials in the “private data” field.Best regards,
BasilisOctober 7, 2019 at 5:29 pm #1145853Private field
And PLEASE!! – leave my permalinkstructure as it is …this is the most important thing – specially the CPT URIS – because my rankings depend on themOctober 7, 2019 at 6:57 pm #1145879From Participant to Participant:
I am waiting since 47 hours now
Actually, I wanted to look at your code; but when I read something like this, I move on to the nearest problem.
October 8, 2019 at 12:02 pm #1146121@guenni007
ok..i understand your attitude. It differs very much from my understanding of service or customer care but you are just a participant too.So you are free to move to the nearest problemOctober 8, 2019 at 12:44 pm #1146146@support
I had to move the website where we show you the error cause our testserver ended yesterday.
See the new URL in the private field – the logindata/credentials are the same as in my last privatedata-fieldOctober 9, 2019 at 5:29 am #1146366Hi,
Thank you for the update.
We added this snippet in the functions.php file to enable the advance layout builder (ALB) for the “angebot” post type. You can now edit the “angebot” posts using the ALB.
function avf_alb_supported_post_types_mod( array $supported_post_types ) { $supported_post_types[] = 'angebot'; return $supported_post_types; } add_filter('avf_alb_supported_post_types', 'avf_alb_supported_post_types_mod', 10, 1);
Best regards,
IsmaelOctober 9, 2019 at 10:51 pm #1146657Hi and thanx, but you missed that there is a second custom post type.
Before the update we had this code:add_filter('avf_builder_boxes', 'add_builder_to_posttype'); function add_builder_to_posttype($metabox) {foreach($metabox as &$meta) { if($meta['id'] == 'avia_builder' || $meta['id'] == 'layout') { $meta['page'][] = 'angebot'; /*instead add the name of the custom post type here*/ $meta['page'][] = 'bild-des-tages'; /*instead add the name of the custom post type here*/ }} return $metabox; }
I have no idea how to adapt the code ypu provided to make our second CPT work
Besides that there are more issues on the URL you fixed
1: there is a second “Preise”-Tab…why?
2: There is a horizontal scrollbar ..why?And most important this:
If i copy your code into our dev-website it looks like this:
“The second tab is below the table – not beside and that makes me really think that there is some markup issue in your latest release cause it worked with your latest Version of Enfold)
And the ALB-Shortcodes are exactly the same than on the adress i provided youKind regards
MarenOctober 9, 2019 at 11:16 pm #1146677see above—- i merged these two posts in one
October 11, 2019 at 8:10 am #1147050Hi,
Thank you for the update.
1.) You can add more post type in the filter. Just look for this line:
$supported_post_types[] = 'angebot';
Add another entry in the array by creating a copy of that line with the post type name.
$supported_post_types[] = 'bild-des-tages';
You’ll end up with this:
$supported_post_types[] = 'angebot'; $supported_post_types[] = 'bild-des-tages';
2.) We don’t really see that issue in the tab element, so you were probably looking on a cached version of the page. Please remove the browser cache, or test it on incognito mode.
Best regards,
IsmaelOctober 11, 2019 at 12:26 pm #11471001: Thanx for the code
2: No – at least the vertical scrollbar is NOT a caching problem.
Please see this video and see what happens when you change the tabs
[video src="https://maskenzauber.com/temp/enfold-issue2.mp4" /]October 15, 2019 at 8:57 am #1147990Hi,
Sorry for the delay. The above video no longer exists. Is it the correct URL? Also, if you don’t mind, we would like to ask you to open a new thread for new inquiry so that we can close this thread and focus on the remaining issue. Thank you for your patience.
Best regards,
IsmaelOctober 15, 2019 at 4:05 pm #1148120Hi
1: the Video is there again
2: No, sorry, i dont want to close this thread cause i exactly know what happens then – i have to explain every thing again and i dont want to waste to much of my time.And here is a screenshot that shows that the tabs are not beside like they should be – and its NOT a cache issue:
(The screen is from my localhost-installation and it happens on EVERY of my 40 pages.
And it is reproducable. (Just take the code i gave you, install WP and Enfold in a older version, do an Update and it happens.
I reproduced it 4 times for testing purpose.EVEN MORE:
When i use the code you provided to activate ALB on my CPT i loose the capability to choose a template.
This is what i got left and as you see i cant choose if the post should be fullwidth or which sidebar eg…
maskenzauber.com/temp/enfold-tabs2.jpgYou can simply repeat it by yourself when you try to publish a new post on the website you already have access to.
Or you try to edit this one:-
This reply was modified 5 years, 4 months ago by
October 16, 2019 at 12:03 pm #1148429Did you start to investigate the remaining issues already?
Its almost one month since i started that thread and since this is clearly a theme issue its not to much expectation to ask you for a solution.October 16, 2019 at 1:11 pm #1148449Hi,
Its almost one month since i started that thread and
Your first response to our initial reply took more than half a month, so I don’t think it’s entirely our fault that the original issue took some time to get resolved.
We don’t encourage users to add new inquiries once the original issue has been solved because it gets a little confusing for us and for other users who might be looking for the same answer. Again, we would like to kindly ask you to open a new thread so that we can focus on the remaining issue. Thank you for understanding.
Best regards,
IsmaelOctober 16, 2019 at 3:05 pm #1148477Although i have no idea how a new thread (you loose the connection to everything that has been said before and you loose the conecction between the reason of the issue and the result) i have opened a new thread and i tried to explain everything as understandable and clear as possible.
We will see if that helps to get it solved better or if it just burns more of my timeOctober 17, 2019 at 3:27 am #1148754Hi,
Please continue here:
Best regards,
Ismael -
This reply was modified 5 years, 4 months ago by
- The topic ‘Website totally crashed after Theme-Update’ is closed to new replies.