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  • #1427371

    I’m trying to improve my website speed. Parts of it are loading very slow. I tried solution posted in this article but it didn’t help much.

    Do you have any other ideas what could be improved? Thank you


    Hi ilonka78,

    Try to check some of the things mentioned in this article:
    Please try to use a caching plugin as well, but you might want to test different caching plugins as the result differs in different hosting providers.
    If you have some budget, also consider using CDN, so resources such as images will be loaded in parallel with your website and also check if the hosting has fast response time, if it’s slow consider migrating to other webhost or if it’s lacking some resources like memory try to increase it or maybe upgrade the package.

    Best regards,


    Mostly I have issues with parts of the website. Whole website loads ok and then it takes a while to load blog posts etc. Seems like everything that is slightly animated. So maybe you have any idea why?
    I tried many things including most mentioned in that article. I will research CDN too. Thank you


    I tested the page you linked to, linked below, and it loaded in about 4 seconds which is pretty good, I did notice some of your images are large
    so if you compressed these it would help, I tested your three largest images on and found that you could save 73%:
    They have a plugin if you want to try it, or you can use their site to compress the images and then replace yours via FTP.
    Please note that if your original image was compressed when you uploaded it, WordPress makes copies of it for the different thumbnails and then adds the new image size to the file name like your-image-705×529.jpg but these new images are often larger that the original and are the ones you see on the frontend, so this is why I recommend a plugin that will work on these or downloading these images via FTP or your webserver file manager then compressing them and then upload them via FTP so WordPress doesn’t make copies of them again. Check out this post: How to bulk compress WordPress images.
    When I check your site it looks like you are not using a caching plugin, does your webhost offer server caching like Varnish or Litespeed, typically these are better than a caching plugin, otherwise WP Fastest Cache is a good plugin.
    Hopefully this will be helpful.

    Best regards,


    Thank you very much. I will try those suggestions,


    Glad we were able to help, if you have any further questions please create a new thread and we will gladly try to help you. Thank you for using Enfold.

    Best regards,

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