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  • #419857


    My website was working fine, with most of my content created and plug-ins tested. Then I tried to add an advanced layer slider to my home page. In the middle of tweaking it, my website slowed to a crawl and has been slow ever since. So slow that I have a hard time even navigating the back end of the website.

    I have removed the advanced layer slider, and even went so far as deactivating the layer slider. It helped a little, but I’m still having significant issues. In speed tests, one test may come back at 60 seconds, one speed test may be as fast as 2 seconds. Most are slow, though.

    I tried adding a caching plugin (a couple of them, actually) and it only seemed to make it worse.

    Please help! I don’t know what the layer slider did, but it has all but broken my website.



    Hey krista!

    I had a look at your site and it loaded fine on my end, I did a speed test as well and everything seems good:!/cZOWI4/ Did you contact your hosting company about the problems?


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