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  • #493143

    I have been working on a website for several days and have had no problems. yesterday the visual text editor began displaying white text. the text is there and you can highlight it, but it is not visible. i can click on text/html tab and see the text there.
    this happened on another website, but i was almost done, so i worked around it. however, i have a lot of stuff to enter, so i would like to fix this bug. i am using chrome because the other website did this in firefox, so i know it is not a browser issue.

    happened yesterday while editing a text block etc.. then this morning it worked again. however, now it is back again.
    i went checked firefox and it works on firefox now, but i think it has something to do with enfold because it seems to happen after using the advanced layout for awhile. also, the text colors get messed up on all the enfold setting buttons, ie. save button.


    Hey John!

    Your using Enfold 3.2. Go ahead and update to the latest version, 3.3.2.

    See here for updating via FTP,

    Best regards,


    I added some custom image styles to the main theme. was not sure what text to copy to the child theme function.php file so all the styles are present. can you please tell me what code to copy for the image styles (all of them).


    so i can update the theme.



    I’m not sure what you mean, did you add CSS to the parent theme but you’re not sure what it was? Please try to explain a bit further.

    About you initial post, I couldn’t see anything like that in the front- or back-end. All text was visible on my end using latest version of Chrome.


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