Tagged: Vidéos Vimeo
I have 2 sites created with Enfold, on which I sell training courses:
One, reviha.org, perfectly displays the videos from Vimeo, the public videos and the private videos.
And the other, radiesthesie-etonnante.com, which doesn’t display any videos except the message: Sorry, this video cannot be played due to its privacy settings. Note that YouTube videos display perfectly on both sites, but YouTube videos are public.
I’m about to replace the old reviha.org site with the new radiesthesie-etonnante and I’m desperate to find a solution…
Can you help me?
Hey jehi33260,
The error message “Sorry Because of its privacy settings, this video cannot be played here.” seems to be from Vimeo, please check your Vimeo settings in your Vimeo account.
Perhaps you have to whitelist the domain.
Your page also has the error: “Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 403 (Forbidden)” from Vimeo, which supports the above believe that you need to check your Vimeo settings in your Vimeo account.
Best regards,