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  • #175454

    I used the video media element to insert my video link, but the video preview image/first screen isn’t displaying. See below for screenshot using Chrome browser. How should I fix this?

    video screenshot

    Website: http://www.encoure.com/private/home-features/



    Hey placewrightdesign!

    The background image source doesn’t exist. Are you sure this is the correct image url?


    Best regards,


    We were given permission to pull the video from another website so I can’t track down the background image source.

    Can I enter my own background image? What code should I use to do so?



    No, not that I know of. It would be set by the uploaded video file. You could overwrite it with css via something like:

    #top .mejs-poster.mejs-layer {
        background: red;
        background-image: none !important;
    #top .mejs-poster.mejs-layer img {
        display: none;

    Then alter the values to suit. If you need to make it only effect that item you could wrap the video element in a specific custom css class or make it specific to the page. The best solution however would just be to get the image Ismael referenced back online.



    Understood. Thanks!

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