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  • #1232425


    I am trying to setup a video portfolio grid (3 x 3) on the home page of The site is currently hidden behind a Coming Soon page but I have created a temporary admin login for you so you can see and troubleshoot the site, the details of which can be found in the private section of this post.

    I have followed the instructions on but to no avail. The portfolio is not displayed properly, only the title of the item is shown. When clicking on the item, the lightbox shows up but instead of the video preview image, only a black image is visible. Clicking on the black image does not play the video, as it should.

    Please assist.


    Hey Technoh,

    Thank you for the inquiry.

    The portfolio is not displayed properly, only the title of the item is shown.

    The instructions on the previous thread will only replace the default link of the portfolio item but it will not display the actual video. As a placeholder for the video, you have to apply a featured image to the portfolio items. And when clicked, the video will open inside a modal popup or a lightbox container.

    Best regards,

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