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  • #927494

    Hello Support
    I have four videos at the top of each page on my site. The full screen color section videos only play on large screens.

    The normal videos that are also in a color section only play on mobile devices. The videos that play on mobile devices work fine when playing on android tablets and mobile phone and also on iphones. The problem is that when I view the same video on a iPad it plays tiny and does not fit the screen size. On all other mobile devices the video plays on the default mobile video player. It does not do that on an iPad.

    Any ideas why this happens only on an iPad.



    Hey iainpdavies,

    Thank you for using Enfold.

    We removed this code from the css > shortcodes.css file.

    #top .mejs-container{height: 30px; max-height: 30px}

    Please resave the theme options, remove browser cache then do a hard refresh before checking the page.

    Best regards,



    That worked fine. Thanks please close the ticket.

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