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  • #518166

    Hi –
    For some reason the video media element via the layout builder isn’t working on the post listed below.

    It works on other posts on the site, but it seems that since the YouTube link was copy and pasted into the element while the video was private on YouTube, it now won’t embed even though the video is public.

    This seems to be a bug. How can I remedy this.


    Hi blankonblank!

    Do you mind creating a temporary admin login and posting it here privately?
    Have you tried de-activating all active plugins to see if that helps?



    Hi. Login info below



    Can you please delete your cache and make sure that the video ID of the youtube video is not changed to a new one.

    Thanks a lot



    Cache has been deleted multiple times. The ID is correct.



    check if your video is working fine when using a default WordPress theme and let us know about your results.

    Best regards,


    the video works fine in default theme and in a generic blog post in enfold.



    you have used “https” as video link. I changed it to “http” and it’s working now. Can you confirm please?



    that indeed works, though i have used https because that’s what youtube uses :) seems like it’s a theme quirk as you shouldn’t have to change https to http



    Not sure why that is happening but glad that you got it working again. Please let us know if you should have any further problems on the topic.

    Best regards,

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