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  • #668353


    I want to add a video background to a section of my grid row. If you take a look at the site i’m working on.

    The top part of the site is a grid row. I have a image and a space for text taking up the full width. I would like to replace the image with a looping video.

    Could anyone point me in the right direction of doing this?



    Hi acscreativenew,

    Video background is only possible with a Color Section element unfortunately, I’m guessing you want the left image to be a video instead?




    Yes, that is what i’m trying to do. I know that out of the box it’s only possible with a color section but i’m all about thinking outside the box. Any advice. Im good with code was just going to come to you guys incase you had any thought on how to reach my goal.




    I’m not sure how but looks like you managed to accomplished it. How did you do it? It would be nice if you will share it here.

    Best regards,


    Hi, sure thing. So it was kinda simple actually. I just used the background video on a color section and used CSS to move it over to the left side of the div. Then on my right side block I added a background color to my 1/2 section and changed the padding to eliminate the spacing on the sides of it. I had to change/use a lot of CSS to make it happen but that’s the simple version of it.



    Glad you got it working and thanks for sharing :-)



    @acscreativenew, what was the CSS update you used to get the background video to work behind a grid column section? Thanks!



    Sorry, this was a long time ago and the site had been redesigned and the site I created is gone now. I have no way to go back and look what I did.

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