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  • #883468

    Since last enfold update (4.2), the video background isn’t working well anymore. It’s not correctly aligned.

    Others have the same problem:

    These topics are already closed, so I have to start this new topic. The suggested code works for desktop:
    .mejs-container {
    width: 100% !important;
    height:100% !important;
    But on smaller screens (below 900px wide) it shows a black screen now.


    Below is an example, this is just a testing environment:



    Did you try this in your functions.php file?

    add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', 'my_register_javascript', 100);
    function my_register_javascript() {
      wp_register_script('mediaelement', plugins_url('wp-mediaelement.min.js', __FILE__), array('jquery'), '4.8.2', true);

    Best regards,


    That code is now in functions.php and it doesn’t change anything.

    Tried it in multiple install, works nowhere. Disabled the other plugins, still doesn’t work.
    Tried a completely new install, same problem. In 4.1 it was fine, in 4.2 it isn’t.

    What I don’t understand. This is enfold 4.2 too:

    The part ‘Color Section with Video Background!’ is working here.
    Did you change any code?


    I am having the exact same problem. I have a video background in a Color Section that is no longer properly aligned. Everything was working fine in version 4.1.2, but as soon as I upgraded to Enfold 4.2, it broke.

    This should be very easy for you to replicate to troubleshoot. Can you please provide an estimate on when this will be fixed. Thank you.



    Can you try adding this css code in Quick CSS (located in Enfold > General Styling):

    @media only screen and (max-width:767px) {
      #top.home #av_section_1 .av-section-video-bg video {
        height: 50vh !important;

    Let us know if this helps.

    Best regards,


    Tried that myself too, but it’s not good at all resolutions.

    Between 767px and 640px it will show a grey ‘margin’ at the sides and the bottom. I left to code in so you can try yourself


    This particular issue with background videos has been reported in early November. Please ask the developer if they can thoroughly troubleshoot and fix the problem in an updated version of Enfold.


    Same issue. Video background broke after update to 4.2
    Here is what my live site looks like: https://antioch.energy/
    Here is what it looks like on my staging site when I tested the update: http://antiochenergy.staging.wpengine.com/ (hosted on WPengine)


    Hi mct2ok,

    Have you tried any solutions from these threads:


    If you need further assistance please let us know.
    Best regards,


    When can we expect Enfold to be patched with the fix? Again this has been reported over a month ago, and should be a priority for your team.

    (I do see the various workarounds, but I don’t think these work for all resolutions as noted above).


    Like udfb mentioned above, this should have been fixed already. Not all resolutions work fine, and also, in Safari it’s not working at all.
    It’s a serious bug, which occurs without any plugins. So the problem is 100% enfold.



    We are working on a major release which will be published really soon.
    We appreciate your patience and understanding

    Best regards,


    Hi Basilis,

    Do you have an estimation when the major release will be published?

    We have to inform our customers and in case it will take long, that we can look for a solution in the meanwhile.


    Hi Trender,

    The next update will be in January.

    If you need further assistance please let us know.
    Best regards,


    Hi Victoria,

    Well, if the next release is only in January, we do need assistance with fixing the video background. This are al the posts at the top of this topic.
    Don’t you fix bugs in the meanwhile anymore?

    Browsing the web you can already recognize Enfold sites because the video background isn’t working properly anymore. A lot of people have this problem.


    Hi Trender,

    I think it might be a good idea to have your websites with Enfold 4.1.2, if the videos are critical for you and the fixes in the threads above are not working for you.

    Best regards,


    Hi Victoria,

    We tried that as well.
    Unfortunately, downgrading from 4.2 to 4.1.2 also gives other issues, as not all new changes are recognized and the Avia builder gets stucks.


    Hi Trender,

    So which version are you using now?

    Best regards,


    It depepends on the client.

    Most clients we recommend not to update, then it’s fine. They are still on 4.1.2
    Others already updated and are on 4.2 and can’t go back anymore.

    For some clients, we removed the video background, but they keep asking me when they can get it back.


    Hi Trender,

    Sorry for the inconvenience, but they will have to wait for the next update.

    Best regards,


    Is there already a release date for the update?



    We don’t have an exact date yet unfortunately, though it should be out before the end of this month. Sorry for the problems.

    Best regards,


    Self-hosted mp4-videos dont show up or dont work properly in some browsers anymore since the update. Before the update to enfold 4.2, everything was fine.
    I realized, that on all browsers, direkt youtube-videos work perfectly. I tried all posted suggestions and hints, nothing worked for all browsers.
    That’s a pretty serious bug and i somehow now regret, to work with enfold, because something just normal should not happen. Hours and hours of researching for just nothing. Why the heck hasn’t this checked properly before the update release? By the way, if i embed the selfhosted mp4 videos without the avia-editor, everything works fine as expected. h

    hope you guys will find a solutions for this ASAP!



    We are testing the latest version, which will include those issues.
    We do appreciate your patience to the matter.

    Best regards,


    thanks so much! I love the Enfold Theme and i use for all of my old and future customers. So, thanks for your Efforts!
    best regards



    Thanks for the patience and kind words :-)

    Best regards,


    Finally, after two months, the new update is out. I noticed the changelog and there were almost no differences in 4.2.1.
    I thought (hoped) the changelog was not complete. But after updating, we found out the change log it is correct. This problem still isn’t fixed!

    We waited two months because you told us you were working on it, and that it would come in the next update. And then, the update is there and it was just a lie. If your not going to fix something, just tell is, so we can fix it ourselves. Then, at least we know what to do, and we won’t wait for months and have angry clients in the meanwhile.

    Our clients together bought over 60 enfold licenses and we really start to regret advising Enfold.



    We would like to apologize for the misunderstanding. It is true that the patch contains the fix for the video background issue in general but there’s a specific issue with the Safari browser that our developers are still trying to figure out. Temporarily, you can use the layer slider in place of the color section or any elements with the video background.

    Best regards,


    thanks for the workaround with layer slider… will try that today.

    took a bit too long just to get that IMO, but better late than never!

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