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  • #699301

    I am having issues with the portfolio grid.
    I have uploaded 16 images, all width:210px by height:271px but on the live page they all seem to be getting cropped to 210px x 185px making them more horizontal. I noticed in the source code that the image file name was being altered with the extension “-210×185.” If I change the link in the source code inspector to the original photo file name it displays correctly. As this is not a permanent solution, just a live preview, how can I stop it from automatically cropping the images, but instead show them full size?

    Thank you


    I have not heard back from you regarding this, could someone please advise a solution.




    Try the following:
    1. Install this plugin:
    2. Go to Settings > Media
    3. Change the portfolio_small image size (increase its width / height).
    4. Regenerate the thumbnails by clicking the button at the bottom.

    Best regards,

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