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  • #859428

    Still have not yet found a workaround, outside of simply using a JPG for the non-transparent logo and the SVG for the transparent version.



    I could not log in, got a 404 on the link. Could you please post a valid login link.

    Best regards,


    Link has been updated.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 4 months ago by caseykidd1.

    did you gave the logo img a width?

    .logo img {
    width: 350px;
    height: auto

    I haven’t. Should I have?


    trial and error.
    You couldn’t destroy something – so give it a chance (in quick css / Enfold Options)

    for explanation. WordPress using no plugin for svg use is setting height and width dimensions to zero of every svg.
    I don’t know why your svg on transparency options is visible – maybe you set up before a width for it. But! it has to be set an absolute width
    a relative width for it will not work – allthough a max-width with relativ values works !

    EDIT : it seems to be that you are right !
    i tested it on my testpage with ( i do not often have transparency header option) – in former times there was the alternate logo set even with svg.
    but now there is nothing.
    You can set it for normal logo as i said above ( the other logo i will have a look now) ???


    on my real page https://webers-webdesign.de/testseite
    and Enfold 4.07 you can see it with two svgs – the class “av_alternate_logo_active” is set correct – on my test-page with enfold 4.12 too – but no alternate logo seen


    did you use that subtext logo function in your functions.php ?

    or a code to have on a different site a different logo – or a text next to logo ?

    Because alternate logo is set in this way.
    I have it on my Enfold 4.12 Version on Testpage made for demonstration on how to change logo for a unique site – and bingo no alternate logo

    So have a look into your functions.php


    must be a conflict with a code in functions.php of the child theme

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 4 months ago by Guenni007.

    I have not added or removed any functions that come out of the box. This appears to be a bug.


    So for me as a participant as you is now finished help. Without seeing the frontend it is nearly imporssible to help furthermore


    What frontend? The website is live at hardemancountytn.org. Pull it up and see what I’m talking about.


    i’m participant no mod – so on private input field i do not see the links. by the way the frontend is your page.

    So now to your site – on my end here : Mac OSX Hight Sierra with safari, firefox, chrome and opera i see both your svg for transparency – and the svg on normal case:

    On sourcecode ( and there you see that this alternate logo is created as subtext) i see both: click the image

    So delete and refresh your cache in your browsers.



    The main and transparent logo are both svg.

    <span class="logo"><a href="http://www.hardemancountytn.org/" style="max-height: 90px;"><img height="100" width="300" src="http://www.hardemancountytn.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/logo.svg" alt="Hardeman County Chamber of Commerce" style="max-height: 90px;"><span class="subtext"><img src="http://www.hardemancountytn.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/logo_white.svg" class="alternate" alt="" title="" style="max-height: 90px;"></span></a></span>

    Best regards,

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