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  • #997300


    I would like to use Enfold theme to update a Multisite website. It uses sub-directories of which there are many. Is this possible please and what is the best way of going about it?


    Ps the website details are below.


    Hey info224,

    Not sure the question is clear on what you want to do – can you please give us some more details?

    Best regards,


    Sorry if it was unclear. Essentially can you use the Enfold theme on a multisite website. For example would I have to create a child theme for each sub-directory (including the main directory to) and what is the easiest way as there are many sub-directories ie would I use the export and import function?



    Hi info224,

    The child theme does not have many subdirectories. A blank child theme has 2 files styles.css and functions.php. So I’m not sure which subdirectories you’re referring to.

    Best regards,



    The website I want to update is a multisite and uses subdirectories rather than sub domains. I would like to update the main website and each franchises (sub-directory) but I did not know if I have to create a child theme for each one. Sorry if I’m not been clear. Perhaps looking at the two website addresses I have given might help.



    this here : – is an Enfold Multisite installation.
    The “motherpage” is Enfold and both subsites are Enfold pages. But i do start it from the beginning to obtain that mutlisite. If it is easy to switch from an existing page i don’t know



    Thanks for your response I appreciate it. The client has had the structure in place for a while it’s for the subdirectories which are websites in themselves so I don’t want to change it. I’m not to sure how to go about using enfold ie switching from the present theme as you mentioned. I thought I might have create a child theme for each site including the main and perhaps use the export and import function to copy it over to each site. Hope someone can help. :)



    Essentially can you use the Enfold theme on a multisite website. For example would I have to create a child theme for each sub-directory (including the main directory to) and what is the easiest way as there are many sub-directories ie would I use the export and import function?

    Each sub-directory is a blog and you should be able to activate a (different) theme for each blog. You could i.e. use the same child theme or even create a different child theme for each blog. If you want to use the same child theme with the same settings for all blogs I’d recommend to set up one blog (activate the child theme, configure it and save the options) and then use the Export/Import features (Enfold > Theme Options > Export/Import) to export/import the settings on other multisite blogs. To export the settings use the “Export Theme Settings File” button and save the configuration file, to import the settings click on the “Import Theme Settings File” button and select the configuration file.

    Best regards,


    Thanks Dude that’s very helpful :)



    Thanks for the feedback. Please let us know if you should need any further help on the topic.

    Best regards,



    I may need to make more than one child theme for this site what is the best way of doing that, please? In the past, I have just used your child theme but I have only ever needed one.



    Hi info224,

    Do you mean you need other themes and child themes? You can install them too.

    Best regards,


    Hi info224,

    Do you mean you need other themes and child themes? You can install them too.

    Best regards,



    I’m going to be working on a Multisite. I was going to use the Enfold child theme for the main site and other Enfold child themes for the sub sites as they differ. I have used your child theme in the past however I wasn’t to sure the best way of making multiple versions your child theme.


    Ps I had thought of doing it through the ftp files and copying the child theme and just renaming it.



    Yes, that is the best version to create subsite and different themes through child theme. So the main site will be always updated.

    Best regards,



    Okay I set-up a second child for the multisite I’m working on I have exported the settings from the first child and imported them to the second child and it doesn’t look anything like the first child site :( obviously, I’m doing something wrong. :(

    Please, can you have a look?

    Thank you


    What I was hoping for was a carbon copy of the first website (images etc) would it be better to do it through the debug option and copy each page across?



    Are you waiting for the page to refresh after importing the theme settings? You should not interrupt or click the “Save all Changes” button while the import is processing because it will fail. Just wait for the page to refresh. If you want to make a clone of the parent site, use the following plugin.


    Here’s how it works:

    Best regards,

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