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  • #1306955

    Hi! I’m looking for the best way to show my products in the catalog view. What is recommended- to use the product categories in the menu, or make single pages for every category and in those pages have a product grid where I choose which category to be shown (and then set those pages to be shown in the menu)? And what is the difference?


    Hey AnniNilsson,

    Product category pages are generated automatically, are you looking to change the layout of those pages? I’m not sure I understand exactly what your intentions are, so if you could explain them a bit further, then we might be able to provide you with a better answer.

    Best regards,


    Hi! Thanks for your respond. How do I change the layout of the product category pages that are generated automatically? Is there anyway I can change them like I change pages (in avia)?

    Thanks again Rikard!



    Thank you for the update.

    Unfortunately, you cannot edit the archive pages using the advance layout builder. You will have to modify the template files directly in order to change the layout of the product category pages. For more info, please check the following documentation.

    // https://docs.woocommerce.com/document/template-structure/

    Best regards,


    Hi! Okay thank you Ismael for the info.
    I think I found a way around it. Redirected the category links to specific pages instead (where I use product grid).

    Have a good one!


    …And if others is having the same problem I downloaded the plugin Rank Math where I easily could redirected the links.



    I’m glad this was resolved. If you need additional help, please let us know here in the forums.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon

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