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  • #562177

    Hi, I’ve redesigned a website using the Enfold theme. On the site, the posts featured images have captions giving copyright credit for the images with links to the artists’ websites. The caption links worked fine on the old site, but are showing up as malformed code. Any suggestions for a global fix for this? I’d like to avoid having to go into each image to remove the links.

    Also, is there a way to display the caption below the image on the single post page and above the heading? To view the caption now, it appears you have to open the image in lightbox first.


    Hi Gallop_Web,

    It’s coming from your title tag:

    title="<a href="

    Think you will have to go in and edit that manually unfortunately.

    Best regards,


    Hi Gallop_Web! I was just wondering how you achieved displaying captions, credits and links on feature images shown in single posts. Would you be able to share how you did it with us?



    Please create a new ticket and point us to the link where we can see the example you have mentioned.

    However Image caption on a featured image in a single post can be added in image options in media library but that will show up as an alt text this is useful in the case where you don’t want to highlight the caption but only use it for SEO purpose. Apart from this if you like the caption to be highlighted an alternate solution is to add a image element manually to the post using Advanced layout builder and set up a caption in image edit options.

    Best regards,


    Hi Vinay,

    I tried that approach with feature images. I added one and then checked to not display it on the post, and then embedded it in the description and included the caption. When I do that however the default category/archive pages display the feature image then title and then the image again which looks a bit crazy. So I guess I was hoping for a solution that would involve displaying the caption automatically below the feature image.

    Your suggestion may meet Gallop_Web’s needs however. I have another request open on the same topic so don’t mean to hijack the conversation.


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