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  • #896490


    Suddenly my site started acting very weird. All my sections span way over the Section Minimum Height, and creates huge gaps of whitespace between sections. Look at the link provided (You will have to scroll alot to come to the content)

    I have tried to deactivate all plugins, and both wordpress and enfold is the newest version.

    The client wnat this fixed asap as his whole site now is not working properly.


    Hey FabelMedia,

    I’m not sure what it’s going on there but it seems like it’s your server which is the problem. You are getting 302 and 307 response codes, which I’m not really sure what they are to be honest. Could you contact your hosting provider to see if they can bring some clarity to that please?

    Best regards,


    I have contacted the hosting provider, and the server is running without problems. It looks like a coding problem from my point of view. The percent values from the “Section minimum height” option is not working properly.

    I am providing you with login details for the backend so you can further check the issue.



    Thanks for the feedback, though the issue is that the server seems to be resetting the connection, so most of the content on the page cannot be fetched. That is not something styling would resolve unfortunately. Your site is extremely slow in general, so there must be something going on with the server it’s hosted on. What exactly that might be I cannot answer unfortunately.

    Best regards,

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