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  • #820286

    Hello, I fixed the problem I was having before but now I am running into a new problem. It seems like every-time I update and save something that was in a “Text Block Area” it erases what I had there but Still shows on my page but NOT on the Edit Page where I need to edit…. It took me quite a while to do what I wanted to have done so now I am pretty angry where it seems if I do any kind of update I will have to redo it and that is something I DO NOT want to do!

    I wanted to make this page a Template so I could just make pages in minutes instead of hours… But with this problem it just wont happen…

    Pages > Page 2 > — — WWE Raw Brooklyn Tickets (Edit) is the page in question! Thanks

    I took a few screenshots to show you my problem….. and Giving you access to the site…

    <div class="backgroundTour">
    <div class="tourIMG"><img class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-5203" src="/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/wwe-tickets-seth-roman-finn.png" alt="wwe-tickets-seth-roman-finn" width="830" height="403" /></div><!-- end of .tourIMG -->	
    <div class="rawLogo"></div><!-- end of .rawLogo -->	
    <div class="showDate">
    <h4>WWE RAW BROOKLYN</h4>
    </div><!-- end of .showDate -->	
    <div class="timeLoc"><span class="timelocation">TIME AND LOCATION</span>
    <span class="date">MONDAY, AUGUST 21 | 7:30 PM</span>
    <span class="arena">BARCLAYS CENTER</span>
    <span class="area">BROOKLYN, NY</span></div><!-- end of .timeLoc -->
    <div class="buyTickets">
    <a title="BUY TICKETS" target="_blank" href="">[av_button label='BUY TICKETS' link='manually,http://' link_target='_blank' size='large' position='center' icon_select='no' icon='ue800' font='entypo-fontello' color='red' custom_bg='#FF0000' custom_font='#ffffff' admin_preview_bg='']</a>
    <div class="ringsideTickets"><a title="Ringsider Tickerts" target="_blank" href="">Ringsider Tickets &nbsp; <span style="color:#FF0000;">&rarr;</span></a></div><!-- end of .ringsideTickets -->
    <!-- end of .buyTickets -->
    </div><!-- End of Project -->
    <div class="clearfixTour"></div><!-- END -->
    • This topic was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by Hardwire.



    Hi Hardwire,

    Could you please enable the Advanced Layout Builder debug mode . Here is how to do it:

    Best regards,


    Hello, I did wwhat you said, and it still doesn’t help me out….. I need some help on how and why it won’t save….



    Hi Hardwire,

    The debug mode is not on, the shortcodes do not show. I created a test page and inserted your html in a text block without the column container, it works and saves, and opens normally for edit. You can see a draft of a test page. I suggest you build a new page, and copy the code there.

    Best regards,


    Hello Victoria,
    Thanks, can close



    Hi Martin,

    Thanks for letting us know. Please open a new thread if you should have any further questions or problems.

    Best regards,

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