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  • #162225


    I have suddenly and unexpextedly gotten this problem: When I upload images from my computer, they appear in the image library, but they just “don’t work”. I get error Message “http error”. It is also not possible to edit the permalink and the images can’t be uploaded to galleries.

    I have seen that this might be due to plugins. I have a lot of plugins and before deactivating and everything, I would like to ask if someone can say something specifically on this problem?

    Thank you



    You should probably deactivate all your plugins. Add this on your .htaccess.

    <IfModule mod_security.c>
    SecFilterEngine Off
    SecFilterScanPOST Off



    Good morning and thank you for helping me with this.

    I have deactivated my plugins and are about to add the code as pr your suggestion.

    Being a complete newbie, I have some questions about this:

    -To edit the theme, I should use the editor in wordpress, I don’t try to find my way in the installation files saved on my Laptop?
    -To do a backup of “everything” before I add code, I must/should download a backup plugin (and make use of this..)?
    -I don’t find anything called htaccess in the theme editor in wordpress. Where should I look?

    Thank you so much for a wonderful support service. I am learning a lot.



    The .htaccess file will only be accessible from either your hosting panel’s file manager or via FTP. The http error is unfortunately somewhat of a hard to find, hard to fix issue and the above is only one step in a potentially long chain of trying to find an error.

    If you aren’t sure how or where to add this talk to your hosting provider and explain the issue to them and what you’d like to do. They should be able to assist you.


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