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  • #207903

    I have just started a redesign of my site into Enfold theme. I got a update mail this morning, so I made a fresh download by themeforest.
    I erased the old version on the server, unpacked the theme and upload the new theme folder per FTP.

    But the my whole site turned blank. Just white, could not navigate to backend /wp-admin or anything.
    So I had to erase the new version, and put back the old version 2.4.2;(

    Am I the only one having this problem?
    Now the site is back, but how can I update?

    We are not online, so I can only share a link to Kriesi Team members.


    Hey Johannes!

    Please try to increase the allocated php mermory to 128M. You need to modify the wp-config.php file – see:



    Hi to all.
    When will it be possible to update the new inside wp admin?

    Thx, Oliver



    Please wait for another 12 hours. The update should appear automatically on the Theme Update panel.



    Hi Ismael

    i have received an information of the update on envato marketplace three days ago. Should i install it via ftp or wait till its possible through wp interface?

    Best, Oliver



    Please use ftp – it’s better because you can make a backup of the theme files first and you can make sure that the updated files are uploaded on your server. A tutorial video can be found here:

    Best regards,

    This reply has been marked as private.


    2.4.5 is the latest version. 2.5 was a typo and it’s actually reserved for the next big feature release. Kriesi made a mistake and released 2.4.3 as 2.5 and then uploaded a new version (2.4.4) to correct the version number.

    Best regards,


    Thanks for the quick support.

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