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  • #1132281


    With update 4.6 released we’ve found a bug with the cookie consent message. Every time the user Accepts the cookies, the cookie consent message is shown again on reload and new pages.

    Please find a solution for this!

    Thanks in advance.


    The same here, so i downgrade to the old version :-/

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 5 months ago by LFK.
    This reply has been marked as private.

    Same here


    Same here


    I have the same issue on several sites.. Other thing is that the cookie message is evidenced with the primary color..


    Same problem with the Maps in my Blog posts!

    1. Cookie Consent Bar – Reappears on every page after accepting
    2. Maps in Blog Post – Maps are disabled by user message

    TEMP FIX: Turning off Cookie consent fixed both…

    3. MailChimp forms – Consent checkbox missing

    TEMP FIX: None

    All seems to be related to the Privacy and Cookie options.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 5 months ago by corefocusgroup. Reason: Additional information

    the same for me, and the link read more does not go to the specific page


    same with my sites
    cookie consent message buttons and link to privacy page do not work properly after update to 4.6.
    1. link to “…” page do not link
    2. Cookie Consent Bar – Reappears on every page after accepting
    3. Cookie Consent Bar – does NOT Reappear if clicking “refuse cookies”
    4. e.g.Google Map do not show up after reactivate the disabled Google Map Setting
    5. same after clear the cache, delete all cookies and start from beginning
    6. same in Safari, Chrome, Firefox, Vivaldi, Brave…
    ## THIS IS A BIG BUG! – please solve the problem

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 5 months ago by msh. Reason: self tested experience added

    I have the same issue on my websites.
    How do with stop this>


    Same here


    Dear Enfold,
    Can you already make more known about 4.6.1 with the fixes and when this will be picked up?
    Thanks in advance.


    I guess you should select:
    Default Cookie Option Settings: “User must opt in, only essential cookies selected”

    in this case the bar will be shown one time until the cookie expires.


    same here but only with CHROME – no issue when using FIREFOX or SAFARI.
    kind regards


    same here, only in Chrome


    This upgrade brings several issues with cookies consents.
    Problems with videos, google maps and google fonts.
    Even if user accepts settings it does not work.
    Need urgent attention from staff.




    Hi there,

    Guess I have nearly the same problem, and even one more : my GA tag doesn’t work any more (0 visits since the update), whatever settings I choose in the Cookies option settings !! As a consequence, I disabled the whole options (to get my stats) until a fix is found.

    Thanks for your help,


    Same same… Also appears to be the culprit in breaking woocommerce basket. #1132936


    Same here… it looks as if it has also broken Google maps and videos :-(


    What’s the best way to downgrade to the previous version… and where can I get it from?


    same here
    cookie consent message buttons and link to privacy page do not work properly after update to 4.6.
    1. link to “…” page do not link
    2. Cookie Consent Bar – Reappears on every page after accepting
    3. Cookie Consent Bar – does NOT Reappear if clicking “refuse cookies”
    4. e.g.Google Map do not show up after reactivate the disabled Google Map Setting
    5. same after clear the cache, delete all cookies and start from beginning
    6. same in Safari, Chrome, Firefox, Vivaldi, Brave…
    ## THIS IS A BIG BUG! – please solve the problem



    To verify the problem we would need a link to a site where we can see the problem and a WP admin account to check the backend settings.

    Open a new thread and put your login credentials and link to your site in private content area so it is only visible to you and moderators.

    Thank you.

    Best regards,



    is a general problem not site-specific..

    Please fix..




    it seems like you have disabled cookie consent message on your website so i could not check it.

    i checked your website however cookie consent message did not pop up on new page. Only padlock icon shows up on new pages which can be disabled in Enfold theme options > Privacy and Cookies tab.

    We need logins to a website where we can see the issue. If your website still has the issue, please start a new thread and attach FTP and WP admin logins in private content field. Please feel free to inform us here so we can check the threads as soon as possible.

    Thanks for your patience!



    I feel like there is a real disconnect here. I updated to version 4.6 just like a ton of other people and the cookie consent was broken, SO I TURNED IT OFF.

    This is clearly not a site-specific issue. It’s affecting a lot of people.

    I’m also having issues with maps and other cookie consent related functions, just like everyone else.


    We have the same issue with the cookie consent bar showing up on every page after the update.


    It is an error in the core of Enfold.


    Same problem here… any idea how to get the downgrade files?


    Same here.

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