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  • #598741


    I’m using custom class to change the color of the font of a special heading element subheader. Here is the code I’m using:

    .home_special_heading_top .av-subheading {
    color: #ffffff !important;
    font-weight: 450;

    Interestingly enough, when I change the color to red it works perfectly. However, when I change the color to white it defaults to the body color settings in the Theme settings.

    Any help would be appreciated


    Hey slui!

    please use the below CSS in enfold > general styling > quick css

    Remove any related css you have added earlier to change the font color for h1.

    .home_special_heading_top .av-special-heading-tag{
    color: #000 !important;
    font-weight: 450;

    Vinay Kashyap



    I’m trying to change the subheading. I tried to replicated the code you provided above but using the subheading and it didn’t work.

    .av-subheading.home_special_heading_top {
    color: #fff !important;
    .av-subheading_below.home_special_heading_top {
    color: #fff !important;

    Any further insight into this?



    I’ve come to realize that I need to change the opacity of the subheading and not the color of the font for the subheading.

    I found this CSS that controls the opacity on the subheading but not sure how to integrate into my custom class.


    Let me know.




    The subheading has an inline style padding-bottom:0px;color:#ffffff;font-size:60px; the style is coming from js or php

    inline styles has the highest specificity and cannot be altered using external CSS

    please check the edit options of the subheading in advance layout builder there must be a color option which is set to white.

    If you still have issues please create admin login for us and share in private so we can inspect it :)

    Vinay Kashyap



    There are options to make the font white, however the opacity made it difficult to read. There are no options to change the opacity of the subheading.

    I was able to change the subheading style using this code:

    .home_special_heading_top .av-subheading.av_custom_color {
    opacity: 1.0 !important;
    font-weight: 400;

    The first part of course is the custom class and I was able to target the subheading directly.




    Glad you figured it out!
    Let us know if you have any other questions or issues


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