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  • #1217492

    Hi, I have got the feed-back that it is not obvious that people realise that there is a selection to be made in the tab layout element. To fix this I have experimented with a “helper text” saying “Pick your area above” and have done some custom css to achieve a white border of the 1/1 element I am using for this to make it appear as if was part of the tab heading and the “arrow”.

    Now I want to make that tab arrow bigger and have tried in the Chrome console to set the top to like 6-8px instead of the standard 10px. Then the rectangle seems to move up to make that “arrow” larger. But unfortunately it is covered behind another object so it is cut off so to speak. The object I manipulating is this one .av-tab-arrow-container,
    Is there another way to get this arrow bigger ? I think it is in particular important for mobile.

    Here is my staging site, please look at the tab section to understand what I want to achieve.


    Hey Terve,

    Best regards,

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