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  • #1404421

    I’ve used this excellent theme for ages. I have not been able to update it in a while. Now I’m getting a “WordPress Introducing Blocks” popup message.

    Per the site, I’m running the latest update. “No Updates available. You are running the latest version! (4.4.1)

    I’m pretty sure Enfold had a nice Page Edit interface. At least not the basic WordPress tool. IDK, just checking.

    Can you take a look and help me figure out where I stand?


    P.S. I have a screenshot of the issue, but I do not see a way to attach a picture.



    The current version you are using is still using the old API (username and API key) which envato has already deprecated therefore you can’t update it with the usual method.
    You can do the following process instead:

    First make a backup:
    – Site Backup: https://kriesi.at/documentation/enfold/backup-wordpress-site/
    – Theme Settings Backup: https://kriesi.at/documentation/enfold/backup-theme-settings/

    Option 1: Use Envato Market to update your site
    – link: https://envato.com/market-plugin/

    Option 2: Update manually
    1. Login to ThemeForest and download the Enfold theme, right-click over the downloaded zip file and extract/unzip it.
    2. It should generate a new folder, open it and look for the enfold folder
    3. Right-click the enfold folder then zip it, here’s a tutorial on how to create a zip file in windows: https://www.howtogeek.com/668409/how-to-zip-and-unzip-files-on-windows-10/ (this should create enfold.zip
    4. Log in to WordPress as and Admin.
    5. Install and activate a maintenance plugin and put your site in Maintenance mode.
    6. Go to Appearance > Themes, switch to a default WordPress theme like TwentyTwenty then delete Enfold.
    7. Click on the ADD NEW button.
    8. Click on the UPLOAD THEME button.
    9. Click BROWSE and choose enfold.zip file
    10. Click the INSTALL NOW button and switch to Enfold or your child theme.
    11. Remove the maintenance mode then deactivate and remove the maintenance plugin.

    Then register the theme by following the instructions in https://kriesi.at/documentation/enfold/theme-registration/
    Once this is done, the next time you update, you’ll only need to go to Enfold > Theme Updates and click on the Update button.

    Once it is updated please let us know if the issue still persists.

    Best regards,

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