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  • #823223

    I want to activate transparent menu but how to deactivate overlaying function over first element under menu.

    as u can see here i dont want it over that banner.

    I am asking that beacuse i have two logos that i want to change when i scroll but transparent logo is over banner and i want to disable that.How to move element down. I dont want to be under menu.


    Hey Uroš,

    Please, could you explain your question better?

    Best regards,
    John Torvik


    Is it possible to have two different logos on one page?

    First one is when you open page and second is when you start scrolling

    I know i can achieve that by changing menu to transparent menu but the problem is that when you change menu to transparent menu, menu is then over first element on the page.


    I found solution :D


    That’s great! :D Do you need further help with this topic?

    Best regards,


    no, thank you


    Great. Let us know here in the forums if you need help with anything else.

    Best regards,

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