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  • #381689


    I have a transparent header on my homepage and would like to change the colors of both the social icons and the font of the phonenumber to white when i load the page.

    When i start scrolling down, the background of that top header becomes white, so when scrolling i want to change the social icons and the font of the phonenumber to grey.

    Can you sypply the correct quick css to achieve this?

    btw: i did try this by using the advanced styling section, but his resulted in a fixed color also when scrolling down



    Hi mischa00!

    Your social icons are already turning to grey so I’ll assume you figured that out.

    For the phone number you can use this CSS.

    #top .phone-info span { color: white; }
    #top .header-scrolled .phone-info span { color: gray; }

    Best regards,


    you assume correct
    your code worked perfectly

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