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  • #809380

    Hello. Is it possible to style (e.g. Bold) certain text within a tooltip? Please see what I’ve tried below. With the below syntax, it removes the entire entry from the pricing table.

    <span data-avia-tooltip=”WordPress is the website’s foundation and should always be up to date to help ensure security, compatibility and functionality. As WordPress updates are released, we test them in our environment before rolling them out to client websites. Note: If clients wish to use a theme that we do not use ourselves, clients will be required to sign up for web hosting that provides staging (testing) environments.“>WordPress Core Updates</span>



    Also, if we could add hyperlinks to the tooltips, that would be amazing! Possible?


    And finally, if there was also a way to add a tooltip to an entire pricing row field, rather than the text.



    Sorry for the late reply!

    1- Unfortunately, using HTML inside tooltips is not easily possible.
    You can add your text as following and it would show up as is

    <span data-avia-tooltip="WordPress is the website/’s foundation and should always be up to date to help ensure security, compatibility and functionality. As WordPress updates are released, we test them in our environment before rolling them out to client websites. Note: If clients wish to use a theme that we do not use ourselves, clients will be required to sign up for web hosting that provides staging (testing) environments.">WordPress Core Updates</span>

    2- Can you please post a screenshot showing the changes you would like to make? You can upload your screenshots on imgur.com or Dropbox public folder and post the links here

    Best regards,


    Hello. I’m good to go with inserting “text tooltips”, but I’m looking to add hyperlinks, as part of the tool-tips. Please see attached image.

    Looking at the image, the Terms of Service would be a hyperlink. I realize the image shows the entry in the Button row and that’s not necessarily where the the hyperlink needs to appear.



    Hi Ryan,

    Unfortunately it is not going to be easily possible using built in tooltip.
    Maybe you could try using a plugin such as this one – https://wordpress.org/plugins/simple-tooltips/? :)

    Best regards,


    Appreciate the help. Good to close.



    You are welcome! Let us know if you have any other questions or issues :)

    Best regards,

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