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  • #1312453


    you told me “Please open another thread for the token inquiry. So here I am! ;-)
    My question was the following:
    “What has to be done with regard to the “token”? You told me that I have to apply for something new. (My problem was that the css changed (was empty) although I didn’t change anything.
    I ask for detailed information on what to do here. I had given the key and did everything according to the instructions (long time ago when I bought the theme …) and then there was a technical problem came from Enfold.
    So I have to know what to do now so that there are no such problems with the theme update again soon. (I already mentioned it in #1295677).

    Please give me instructions on what to do to make the theme work again. Thank you in advance.

    Many greetings,


    Hi Nic,

    I’m not sure I understand the problem you are having, did you lose CSS from Quick CSS? If so, then under which circumstances? Please try to explain the problem a bit further, and give us access to your site in private. We can’t search for thread IDs, so I can’t check the thread you are referring to.

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard,

    I have many problems with the theme. One problem is that changes are not saved! This is absolutely annoying.
    If possible, please take a look at the example in the private content and see what’s wrong. Thank you in advance.

    Best regards, Nic



    Thanks for the login details, and sorry for the late reply. Could you try updating the theme to the latest version (4.8.5) to see if that helps please? If you need to generate a token, then please refer to this:

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard,

    I decided to update the theme via FTP, as described here:

    “Upload the main theme files to wp-content/themes/enfold and upload the child theme files to wp-content/themes/enfold-child”

    Which files do I still have to exchange? The child theme has since been individualized. Where is this data located? Or can I completely swap both folders, i.e. simply swap the theme folder and the child theme folder in the FTP?

    Thanks in advance for the info.

    Best regards,


    Hi Nic,

    Please don’t overwrite the child theme, if it contains modifications which you would like to keep. Only upload the parent theme files, and you should upload all of them. You could create a new folder called enfold_new for example, then upload all the files there. Once the upload is done, then you can change the name of the old folder to enfold_old, and rename the new folder to simply enfold. After that the update should be done.

    Best regards,


    Good method – thanks! :-)



    Did you need additional help with this topic or shall we close?

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon


    Hi Jordan,

    thanks for asking. I replaced the old theme folder and the theme was (finally!) automatically updated to version 4.8.5.
    So you can close.

    Best regards,



    If you need additional help, please let us know here in the forums.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon

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