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  • #1161793

    Hi there,

    the toggles of the accordion do not close after they’ve been opened. The problem arises only in chrome – in firefox, edge and safari the accordion works as it should.

    I use Enfold and the latest version of wordpress. There is only one plugin acitvated wich does not cause the issue, i’ve already tested by deactivating ist.
    Can you help me out with this? Please see link in private content

    Thank you


    Hey Katharina,

    They open and close just fine on my end using Chrome on OSX, could you try loading the page in an incognito window please?

    Best regards,



    thanks for your fast reply!
    We figured it out, it is a problem with an app that i’ve installed on my chrome browser and has nothing to do with enfold.

    best regards



    I’m glad this was resolved. If you need additional help, please let us know here in the forums.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon

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