Hi there,
i am not sure if this is a typical toggle thing, but i have some display issues with my toggle menue.
1) when opening a toggle its unusual juddering – I am used to a more smooth, slower opening and closing of toggles. is there anything that i can change?
2) some toggles, probably due to the lenght of the content, make WP add a side-tab on the right border – where i dont see any advantage in it. only thing that happens is that the main content also judders a bit…
although this one is quite a ‘juddering’ request – i hope you have an idea.
feel free to check the respective page: http://goo.gl/RmbWWn
I am testing mainly on firefox
thanks in advance!
Hi aovivo!
1) You can try to increase the animation time – open up wp-content/themes/enfold/js/shortcodes.js and search for
$.fn.avia_sc_toggle = function(options)
below this line you’ll some occurrences of
You can replace 200 with another value – it determines the animation time in ms – i.e. 200ms are 0,2 seconds.
2) You can’t remove the scroll bar on the right side because the website must be scroll able – especially for users with smaller screens. The only solution would be to make the default content (with closed toggles) longer – then the browser will show the scroll bar as soon as the user opens the page in the browser and the content won’t shift when he clicks on a toggle.
Moin Peter,
thanks for the details on js. i already changed it – looks great now!
As far as it concerns the Tabs, maybe i’ll add some images. that shouwld help too.
thanks so much for the very professional and quick support!!
haave a good one!