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  • #749076

    Dear team,

    I am facing the strange problem that the titles are not showing. Breadcrumbs are ok but no titles.
    Reading from other people the same hier in the forum, I deactivated all plugins but it didn´t help.
    For the moment I haven´t activated the titles, since it shows nothing. Let me know when you are going to check it.

    Another small question considers a small .css change.
    I tried with this code to change the colour on hover of the arrows (portfolio-AJAX)
    I then placed it in my child-theme order but it also didn´t work.

    .main_color .button:hover, .main_color .ajax_controlls a:hover, .main_color #submit:hover, .main_color .big_button:hover, .main_color .contentSlideControlls a:hover, .main_color #submit:hover, .main_color input[type="submit"]:hover {
        background-color: #718f9c;
        color: #fcfcfc;
        border-color: #718f9c;

    Best Regards


    Hey asterios,

    Could you post a link to the site in question so that we can take a closer look please?

    Best regards,


    Good morning Rikard,

    yes of course, sorry for forgeting that:

    (or any other portfolio on that page).

    Best Regards

    PS: Please forget thee css question, it was the cache and it works fine now.


    Hello there again,

    any news? It´s been now three days since your last reply. You usually reply faster than that.




    We apologize for the delay. For the css question, try to clear browser cache or try to place the css code in Quick CSS (located in Enfold > General Styling). Can you try to enable the title? if it doesn’t show up, can you give us temporary admin access? so we can atleast check the backend.

    Best regards,


    Hi Nikko,

    I have already solved the css question myself by emptying the cache (see previous answer).
    I did enable the title but it didn´t work, so I am sending you the login details.

    Thank you!


    Dear Team, is anybody supporting this at all?

    I don´t want to become like some users writing in capital letters URGENT, HELP etc… and I have been waiting quite some time for an answer.
    This has been now 8 days after my first post and I must say that the support used to be much faster two-three years ago.
    I have worked with other themes too and they all replied within 48 hrs the latest.
    Since support is not for free, it does count to me if I get an answer tomorrow, the day after tomorrow or after 5 days, since this affects my support-days I have extended.

    So dear Team-Member please have a look on my issue here AND PLEASE read it all from the beginning.
    Don´t suggest things I or others have already tried or I have solved my self.

    Thank you



    Sorry for the late response, the reason it’s not working is because this is added on style.css of the child theme:

    #top .title_container .main-title a {
    display: none;

    Please remove this, you might also need to remove this code too:

    .title_container .breadcrumb { left: 50px;

    since the breadcrumb and title will overlap after removing the first css code.

    Best regards,


    Hi Nikko,

    yes that was the problem, thank you for the reply.
    Topic can be closed.

    Best Regards


    Hi Asterios,

    Thanks for the feedback. Please open a new thread if you should have any further questions or problems.

    Best regards,

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