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  • #924370


    You recently helped me with an issue with the Color section videos. I needed them to automatically return to the home page after they played. Please see ticket sting #918905

    I have now noticed that everything works perfectly apart from the home page video also return to the homepage after it ends. That means that the anyone who is looking at the website gets interrupted and returned to beginning.

    Is it possible to make the homepage video just repeat on a loop with out returning to the start and the other three video pages stay as they are and return to the home page after playing? The admin password and URL are below. The additional code you asked me to add are under



    Hey iainpdavies,

    Convert the function you added from Ismael to the following

    add_action('wp_footer', 'ava_custom_script');
    function ava_custom_script(){
    if (!is_home()) {
    <script type="text/javascript">
    (function($) {
    	$('.avia_video').on('av-mediajs-ended', function() {
    		window.location.href = '';

    and let us know if that would work properly

    Best regards,



    When I add the code to the functions php it gives the error message below?

    Your PHP code changes were rolled back due to an error on line 41 of file wp-content/themes/enfold-child/functions.php. Please fix and try saving again.

    Cannot redeclare ava_custom_script() (previously declared in wp-content/themes/enfold-child/functions.php:26)

    How do I fix that?


    Any update please?



    This means that two functions have the same name:

    Cannot redeclare ava_custom_script() (previously declared in wp-content/themes/enfold-child/functions.php:26)

    Did you replace the first code or did you add it again? Please try to replace it.

    Best regards,



    I removed the original code that was a duplicate and it now saves ok but the homepage video still returns to the top of the page when it finishes.

    I need the homepage video to repeat but not return to the top of the page when it starts again. If someone is halfway down the page when the video restarts then it should just stay in the same place. The other three videos should stay as they are and now return to the correct page.

    The updated code works fine for returning the videos to the homepage but does not stop the homepage doing it?


    Hello Support

    Would it be possible to have an update on this issue please?


    Hello is there an update on this please it has been two days since your last response. I know yo are busy but some help would be appreciated if possible?



    That is not possible as there is no way to find / locate whee the screen is and to trigger it we are afraid.
    If you need that you would have to hire someone to make it doen for you.

    Best regards,

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