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  • #900976

    I recently purchase the Enfold theme and love it so far! The demos are easy to navigate and edit, however, I’m stuck on three things.
    1) How can I change the menu items from bold to regular font?
    2) How can I change the text of the sidebars? I changed the menu items, so the links that show in the sidebar are no longer correct. For example, I changed the “Pages” category to “Company” and now the subcategories that were previously under “Pages” are showing up on the left-hand side of the “Company” page. I need to edit those links to reflect the new menu subcategories.
    3) This one is a bit random, but I want to embed a photo into a post and make individual parts of the photo link to different pages. Additionally, I want text to appear when you hover over certain parts of the photo. I know I can do this with Image with Hotspots, but can I also link individual photos to different pages using this feature?
    Looking forward to your response! Thanks!





    Thank you for using Enfold.

    1.) Please modify the style of the menu items in the Enfold > Advanced Styling panel. You can also add your own css modifications in the Quick CSS field.

    2.) Please provide a link to the actual page with the sidebar.

    3.) You can try the “Image with Hotspot” element from the shortcode generator or the advance layout builder.

    Best regards,


    Hi Ismael,
    Thanks for getting back to me!
    #1) I haven’t been able to figure out the CSS to unbold the menu text. Do you mind helping me out?
    #2) Got this fixed, thanks!
    #3) I will look further into the Image with Hotspots, but I don’t think it has the functionality to do what I want it to.
    #4) One more problem that arose while working on the website. I added a fullwidth revolution slider to my homepage, and the transitions between slides is really choppy. I uploaded my videos to Vimeo and at the end of the last slide, a slide from Vimeo of ‘Staff Picks’ comes up. I have a photo but cannot attach here. Not sure how to stop this from happening?




    Thank you for the update.

    1.) We added the following code in the Quick CSS field.

    #top #header .av-main-nav > li > a .avia-menu-text, #top #header .av-main-nav > li > a .avia-menu-subtext {
        color: #000000;
        font-weight: 300;

    4.) The slider is a bit choppy on my end but it’s barely noticeable. You should also expect a performance drop when there are multiple videos on a single page.

    Best regards,


    Menu looks great, thanks so much! Also, I uploaded the videos to YouTube and they look and transition much better. :)
    Thanks for the help!



    Glad we could help. Yes, youtube videos are lighter than vimeo. Please feel free to open a new thread if you need anything else. :)

    Best regards,

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