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  • #228198

    I created 3 sliders in the LayerSlider, 1st and 2d are showing correctly, 3d slider doesnt showing at all. For all 3 sliders I set up the same global settings and dimensions 1140×470, 1st and 2d slides are 1156×587, 3d slider is 1700×470. What could cause this problem and how to solve it? Here is the site: aentuinen.be
    Thank you!


    Hi Soapmarine!

    Please firstly try updating Enfold to the latest version 2.5.4
    See http://kriesi.at/documentation/enfold/updating-your-theme-files/



    Hi Yigit,
    I updated my Emfold theme to the latest 2.5.4 version
    The problem as I described above still not resolved. Any help?
    Thank you!



    Can you post the link to your website so we can take a look?



    Hi Yigit,
    I mentioned my site in my first post: aentuinen.be

    Thank you very much for looking into it!



    How did you add the 3rd slide? Please post the login details here. Set it as a private reply. You don’t have the latest version of the theme. Please download 2.5.3 then update the theme via FTP. Watch this video by Devin: https://vimeo.com/channels/aviathemes/67209750




    Please update to the latest version of Enfold (2.5.4).

    Best regards,


    Hello Josue,
    I updated to the latest version 2.5.4
    thank you!



    It seems like your theme is not updated and you are still using version 2.4.5. Please try updating again



    Hi Yigit,

    I tried at least 3 times to update it: I downloaded it from my Themeforest account, unzipped and dropped Enfold folder in my FTP Themes/Enfold, see: http://imgur.com/L0vnEI6
    It asked me if I want to overwrite it, I said yes, and it did, it took some time to transfer…
    Now I see that the folder Enfold and I see that it was changed “Yesterday”…it’s weird. : http://imgur.com/8HJgafw I presume it should say “Today”. I tried several times, same result. I dont understand :((((

    This reply has been marked as private.


    Have you tried updating via the Theme Options?



    Well, I prefer that the client is not annoyed by the often updates from the theme. Is it possible to do updates in the Theme Options without notifications? Maybe if I keep my email as primary email and I’ll make her as second admin? Any advice from practical side?


    Hello again,
    I added other slides to this slider, and none of them is showing. Pretty frustrating :(
    How I create them:
    1. Add Slider
    2. Add image (I pick up from medialibrary)
    3. Save (I wait untill it’s saved)

    That is it. Nothing special in manipulation but it doesnt work at all :(



    Please try to increase the allocated memory to 128M http://www.wpbeginner.com/wp-tutorials/fix-wordpress-memory-exhausted-error-increase-php-memory/

    Best regards,


    Hi Yigit,

    I increased to 128M, it didnt help. The slides are not showing. Please help.
    Thank you!



    I’m sorry but you’re STILL using an old version of the theme. If you’re not sure how to update the theme, please hire a a freelance developer to help you. Watch this video by Devin: https://vimeo.com/channels/aviathemes/67209750

    The debugging info shows that you’re using version 2.4.5 which a very old version of the theme. Latest version is 2.5.4 which includes script fixes and video background for sliders and color sections.



    Hello Ismael,
    now I’m using the latest version: http://imgur.com/Usju5p8
    Could you please take a look and let me know why the slides are not working?
    Thank you!



    I thought I posted something here before. Anyway, have you tried to recreate the slider from scratch? Looks like it is doable using the Fullwidth Easy Slider because you’re not creating any complex animations. Anyway I created a new slider called “Aentuinen Test Slider”. All 4 slides show up properly.


    Please watch this video on how to use the Layer Slider: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZY9SxVyugx4



    hello Ismael,

    I recreated a new slider and it’s working now. Dont know why it was bugging. Anyway, thank you for watching at this.
    Glad it’s solved now.
    Have a nice day!

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