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  • #666881

    I’m trying to upload the zip file of the Enfold theme that I just purchased to my WordPress installation. However, it’s been over 3 hours since I clicked on the “Install Now” button, and the progress icon is still spinning. Is there something I need to do to get the Enfold theme to more quickly upload?

    UPDATE: I tried to upload the zip file again, but this time got a message that reads: “Installing the theme…The package could not be installed. The theme is missing the style.css stylesheet. Theme install failed”.

    So, Instead of trying to reinstall this zip file, which is called “”, I went into a subfolder, and tried to install the zip file called “”. WordPress was able to install this file.

    Is this “” file the correct file to have installed? Or, are there any files in “” which also need to be installed (such as the “documentation”, “Licensing” and/or version.txt files) for the theme to work properly?

    • This topic was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by alexEnvato14.

    Hey alexEnvato14,

    It appears you are trying to upload the downloaded package directly hence you are getting the missing style sheet error.

    Please extract theme folder from the downloaded package and upload. It should work fine :)

    Best regards,

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