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  • #971266

    Hi all,
    I’m not getting automated Theme updates.
    Looking into my “Enfold Theme Options” it says: No Updates available. You are running the latest version! (4.3.1)
    but the latest version in store is 4.4

    could you please help? Would like to manage the updates right into the wordpress enfold theme options.

    Best regards


    Hey liddeljoe,

    Not all server environments are compatible with the automatic updates unfortunately, but you can try running this plugin in order to clear WordPress transients to see if that helps:

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard,

    thanks so much for the quick answer.
    This means that I always need to go to themeforest, when there’s an update, download and upload it manually in the design section. Then switch to the updated design?

    Best regards



    Have you tried to clear WordPress transients as Rikard suggested above? Also, please make sure that your API key is correct –

    Best regards,


    Hi Yigit,

    I’ve doublechecked the API key: correct!
    I’ve activated the Plug In Transients Manager, but what to I have to do then? What file do I need to adapt or delete? Those both appear when I search for “theme”: “theme_roots” and “update_themes”… What’s the next step for me to do?

    Sorry for asking silly things, but I never had that case and I’m no developer.

    Best regards and many thanks

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 3 months ago by liddeljoe.

    Hi Lea,

    You should be able to remove all the transients the plugin finds. If that doesn’t work then I think you will need to contact your hosting provider to see if they are blocking any traffic which might interfere with the automatic updates.

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard,

    I’ve installed the transient plug-in. I’ve removed all transients. – Result: no update available.

    I’ve contacted my hosting provider (Schwarzkü They’ve checked traffic: within Plesk, at Domain and at Webapplication Firewall – within the protocoll no indication that modsecurity could be the reason for failure. I’ve supported them with sourcecode information after requesting the update for the theme manually. Again: nothing to spot in the logs of mod_security. They’ve cleared all blocked IP-addresses and started fail2ban again. – Result: no update available.

    Now whats left for me to do? This is the first time a theme (with that high quality like “enfold”) is not updating automatically. I’m lost… ;-)

    Best regards, hoping for help



    Do not worry!
    For not – to solve he problem update through FTP.
    That should help to update our theme.

    When that done, install the Envato plugin and lets try to see if the updates would come from there,

    Best regards,

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