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  • #657659

    The footer when using the Logo and Main menu on the left sidebar is behaving strangely.

    some times it stretches across the entire width of the page on pages like single product view

    foot hiding under the left menu sidebar when set to logo and meain menu as left sidebar

    if I make the “displayed everywhere” widget super long it fixes this. but since the right-side side-bar disappears on mobile (see - ) I have been hesitant to put so much on the right side bar to push the footer and socket down.

    really long right-side side-bar




    Hey Erich Nolan,

    Please edit your pages with the issue and add your content into a color section element or a 1/1 column element. If that does not help, please create a temporary admin login and post it here privately so we can look into it :)

    Best regards,


    Hey Yigit,

    these are product pages that I am not using the AVIA builder for. So that fix isn’t accessible.

    admin account added.




    Please deactivate all plugins (but WooCommerce by WooThemes) one by one to check which one is causing this issue and let us know if this solves the problem.

    Best regards,


    Hey Andy,

    I found out that some code I had that I was using for adding the single product page sidebar must have been doing this.

    once I did what ismael told me to do and I removed the settings I followed in It seemed to fix the footer…

    I will do more checking but it seems like my footer problem is related to my single product view and category view sidebar issue.

    I will let ismael know about this thread too..

    thank you




    alright, thanks. Let us know if you need some more help, we’ll let this thread open for you.

    Best regards,

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