Tagged: events calendar
May 21, 2024 at 7:48 pm #1444987
Hello, after updating the events calendar and enfold we found some troubles regarding the display of recurring events. Before the update, only the first or the most current event was visible. After the update, every single event is shown. We use enfold layout elements without any customization.
Thank you for your help!
May 23, 2024 at 9:46 pm #1445415Hey Robert,
Thanks for your patience, it seems that showing all of the recurring events would be the correct behavior.
I checked both pages but they seem to show the same items, the only difference that I see is that the ALB page is sorted by Date then title ASC, and the shortcode page is by Date title DESC, but both show all of the items by date.
Did you also update the events calendar version, perhaps the change is in the plugin? Are you using the Pro version?
Please try rolling back the plugin version and see of that helps.Best regards,
MikeMay 28, 2024 at 5:51 pm #1446863Hey Mike,
thanks for your reply! We use the pro version of The Events Calender und everything is updated to the newest available version.
I have updated the ALB-page so that it shows a maximum of 100 events. Take “Figuren, Tiere & Comic (6 – 7 Jahre)” for example. On the ALB-Page all of its recurring events is shown (6 instances), wheres the shortcode generated page only shows 1 instance.
It’s a pity that it seems, that showing all of the recurring events would be the correct order. Especially, as The Events Calendar has a setting to aviod this behaviour (“Veranstaltungen in Serien zusammenfassen – Nur die nächste Veranstaltung jeder Serie anzeigen (betrifft nur Listenansichten). –
The Events Calendar settings" />.
Do you think, it is possible to realize this within the ALB page?
May 28, 2024 at 10:28 pm #1446880Hi,
As I understand the issue was because the theme has a max limit of 100 events, is this correct?
You say that you are using the Pro version and that it has a setting to disable this in the plugin, this would not change the theme options.
Unfortunately I don’t have a Pro version and I can’t read the text in your screenshot.
If I understand correctly can you switch the English and take another screenshot and I will submit to the Dev Team for review.
As I understand now this is solved, but if the Dev Team could address this setting it would be a benefit, so if you could submit a screenshot I will post to the Dev Team.
If I have misunderstood please explain further.Best regards,
MikeMay 29, 2024 at 12:06 pm #1446934Hello Mike,
thank you again. No, the max limits of 100 events in the list don’t matter. I chose this just for showing you the difference between ALB generated event lists and shortcode generated event lists.
It comes down to just one issue – ALB generated lists show all recurring events (including all the 10 events, that are part of a series) wheres shortcode generated lists show just the next event in a event series. This is a functionality, that can be set in the settings. I guess, too, it would be beneficial for enfold, when this behaviour would find consideration.
May 29, 2024 at 11:41 pm #1446994Hi,
Unfortunately I can’t reproduce this issue, please explain how I can reproduce this.Best regards,
MikeMay 29, 2024 at 11:51 pm #1446996How should I react to your last question? First, you mention you don‘t have The Events Calender at hand, then you say, you can‘t reproduce the issue.
May 30, 2024 at 11:17 am #1447048Hi,
Someone on the team had a Pro version but it seems to be out dated, so I have opened a issue ticket with the Dev Team with links to the documentation and will write back when I hear from them. Thank you for your patience.Best regards,
Mike -
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