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  • #1180121

    Since the latest version of Enfold, my Events Calendar Pro looked a bit bad.
    Since updating TEC to version 5.0 it is, well, probably worse. The single event takes up the whole page. There is no padding at all on anything. Everything is right and left justified.
    Also, the options for customizing the Calendar settings through the WordPress Customize options are not there. There are only two global settings for color and 1 color setting for single event. No options to customize, week view, day views, month views etc as described in their documentation:

    The Events Calendar and the WordPress Customizer

    Not only that, the latest TEC changes the button and link colours and are not in line with the Enfold settings. Seems a bit of a mess.
    When you activate a WP default Theme, you see that there are more options under the Events | Settings | Display which are not available when Enfold is Active.

    Do you guys have any plans to once again, make TEC out of the box compatible with Enfold?



    Hey Cliffy,

    Sorry for the delay. Can we have access to the site so that we can check the issue? Please post the login details in the private field.

    For the meantime, try to deactivate the theme’s default configuration for the plugin by adding this snippet in the functions.php file.

    add_theme_support( 'deactivate_tribe_events_calendar' );

    Let us know if it changes anything.

    Best regards,


    Thanks @Ismael

    I just get an error message when I paste this into the theme child functions.php file.

    Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘add_action’ (T_STRING) in …


    Did you test this yourself?


    I think you need to put a semi-colon at the end of it.
    add_theme_support( ‘deactivate_tribe_events_calendar’ );


    Hi Cliffy,

    Yes, you need a semicolon after it.

    thank you for your input :)

    Best regards,


    I am having the same problem
    the line around the single event box has no space. i have tried the above and no joy


    Hi thetshed,

    Please start a separate thread, describe your issue there and give us a link to your website.

    Best regards,


    Thanks, Rug3r

    Much appreciated, however, this did not work.

    Warning: Use of undefined constant ‘deactivate_tribe_events_calendar’ – assumed ‘‘deactivate_tribe_events_calendar’’ (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/public_html/ on line 148

    Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/public_html/ in /home/public_html/ on line 6029



    Thank you for the update.

    Did you copy the code from your email? Please copy it directly from the forum to avoid string or code conversions. We also added the semi colon in the code above, so you don’t have to add it again.

    Best regards,


    I copied from the Forum yes.
    Below is access to the staging site and FTP access too if you’d like to take a closer look.
    I am really not sure what is causing the problem.

    I hope this helps.

    I have contacted TEC people too. They say Enfold is on their preferred sites but so far I don’t think they have logged in and looked. It may be down to them or the theme, I really don’t know. All I know is that it looks worse now than it did before. (you can see the before on the live site). I also don’t know why the customiser options are not available.

    Many thanks in advance and sorry for taking time in getting you the access info.


    There is obviously an issue here. There are a few folks experiencing problems with the layouts for The Events Calendar. It may be a result of changes from the plugin or the theme. Hopefully this can soon be resolved, my website single page event views look like crap.



    @Cliffy: Thank you for the info. Unfortunately, the staging site is not loading properly on our end — it’s very slow, so we can’t debug the issue properly. Where is the site hosted?

    We’ll try to inspect the issue on our end and give an update as soon as possible.

    Best regards,


    @Ismael – I don’t mean to step on this thread, but I expect I have a similar issue. I submitted a ticket about three days ago and no reply yet…

    Issues with Events Calendar and Events Calendar Pro

    Can someone pick that ticket up please?



    Very strange. The site is hosted on a Siteground server in the UK.
    Not sure why it would make it impossible for you to login.

    Can I ask… Have you even tested TEC v5 and the latest Enfold together? Perhaps you don’t need any access to any site, you just need to install TEC 5.0 on one of your demo sites and see how it functions.




    Sorry for the delay. It was an issue with our connection. We can now access the site properly and are able to update the plugins manually. The update of the Pro version to 5.0.1 seems to have fixed the issue.

    : Please try to update the default plugin to version 6.4.7 and the Pro version to 5.0.1.

    Best regards,


    For my issue, it was still broken when running Enfold 4.7.3 and TEC and TEC Pro 5.0.1.
    The solution I found was to go to Events > Settings > Display (tab) and then uncheck “Use updated calendar designs.”


    Hi spidercreations,

    Thank you for sharing the solutions.

    Best regards,


    We actually have ours unchecked already. So I am unsure what other solutions may be available as we go.

    But thanks!! :)



    The problem is not fixed. Please refer to the original post about padding and full width. The event looks crap!

    – thanks for the suggestions, but this is not a fix or a solution, it is merely not implementing the new styling of TEC Pro 5, which one would expect to be able to use from a theme who recommends such a plugin. I understand what the uncheck does, but I only consider this a temporary workaround.



    @Cliffy: As @spidercretions mentioned, the issue only happens when the Events > Settings > Display (tab) > Use updated calendar designs option is checked or enabled. Disabling it should fix the issue temporarily. We now know how the layout breaks, but we are not yet sure why it’s happening.


    We’ve reported the issue to our channel. We’ll get back to you once we found a fix.

    Best regards,


    Thanks for the acknowledgement that something is broken.
    I’ll look forward to a fix in the near future.

    Please also be aware that this is not the only problem. The customizer options that should be available in TEC V5.0x are not available with the current Enfold.
    Should you fix the single calendar display, I feel there will still be an issue in being able to use all the new styling options introduced in TEC5.0
    Please can you ensure you test this feature too?

    Many thanks,



    Thank you for the update.

    The customizer options are not working properly because of the avia_events_reset_recurring_event_query function in the config-events-calendar > config.php file. For some reason, this function causes the Customizer options like changing the event title color to not take effect. We’ll forward this to our channel.

    Thank you for your patience.

    Best regards,


    Hello, is there any update on this issue? We are experiencing the same problem when we upgraded to the new calendar layout. Please advise. (Currently have disabled updated designs for all calendar views)



    We haven’t really figured out what’s causing the issue, but you can override the default-template.php file to fix it temporarily.


    If you need further help, please create a new ticket and post the details in the private field. We’ll close this one for now.

    Best regards,

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