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  • #276510

    Hello, I’m having an issue with a content element, so far the only one that I’ve tested is the one for text block. This is what is happening:
    1. When creating a new page, the Advanced Editor is not loading. I have to go back to basic and then back to advanced and that’s when it loads.
    2. I add a text block.
    3. Try to edit the information but then I cannot see/edit the contents on the popup

    I can’t do this for neither existing or new content.


    Hey alexpinedo!

    Please try deactivating all active plugins and check if that helps. I tried to login to backend but login credentials are not working for me.



    Thanks Yigit, I should have checked that myself as soon as it happened. I found out that I have a WP plugin to have the admin in English, but my site in Spanish. That was breaking it. I turned it off and now it’s working again.

    Do you have a recommendation of how I can achieve that? I don’t like the admin in spanish.




    Glad you figured it out!
    Please refer to solution here –

    Best regards,



    Try adding this at the very end of your theme functions.php file:

    add_filter('locale', 'wpse27056_setLocale');
    function wpse27056_setLocale($locale) {
        if ( is_admin() ) {
            return 'en_US';
        return $locale;


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