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  • #907210

    Problem only on iPhones and Ipads:
    When clicking on an image in a gallery the textballoon shows, but does not disappears in the lightbox.
    WP is the latets version, also the Enfold theme the most recent version.


    Hey Els,

    With first tap, the tooltip pops up and the second tap opens the lightbox. Does it not like this on your end?

    Best regards,


    Hi Victoria,
    On regular pc it works fine, but in apple iPad and iPhone it keeps sticking and does not disappear.



    Hi Els,

    So do you want to hide them on mobile?

    If yes, here is how to do it:

    If you need further assistance please let us know.
    Best regards,


    I don’t want it to stick on the lightbox, because it stays there even when you take > to the next image. The textballoon should not be there in the light box. I don’t have this issue on my other Enfold websites. I have several accounts, with many enfold.


    As I mentioned it’s only on apple devices. I do want the text info with the images in the gallery, but it should not stick and stay on the next clicks. I hope you can find a solution. Because I’m starting a new Enfold website next week and don’t want the same problems….
    Thanks for you assistance.


    On another website it also sticks when clicking on the image to the lightbox, but after clicked on the > it disappears



    Thank you for the update.

    Please try this script in the functions.php file.

    add_action('wp_footer', 'ava_custom_script');
    function ava_custom_script(){
    <script type="text/javascript">
    (function($) {
        function a() {
            $('body').on('click', function() {
                var box, tip;
                box = $('.mfp-wrap');
                tip = $('.avia-tooltip');
                if(box.length >= 1) {

    Don’t forget to remove the browser cache before testing the page.

    Best regards,


    Thanks for your reply.
    I don’t have any experience by adding php into files. Only CSS experience.
    I tried in the file you’ve mentioned but it gives an syntex error.
    Also I’ve tried by the code insert with avia. But the code was visible.
    May be you have a link where I can find instructions how to insert php?
    I would be very grateful !


    Try going to WordPress > Appearance > Editor
    You may get a warning, click I understand
    Then if you are using a child theme you will have two choices, one is the stylesheet (style.css) the other is the Theme Functions (functions.php)
    add your code at the end and click Update File.
    you should get a success message
    If you don’t have a child theme, which you should, you will have more files to choose from, but you will still edit Theme Functions (functions.php). Add your code to the bottom.
    Hope this helps.
    I also tested the code for syntax errors, but received none. Be sure to copy the code from the post and not from your email, as often quotes become curly quotes which will give you a syntax error.

    Best regards,


    I’ll get back on this tomorrow! Thanks for the input, I have some work to do now and hope this will fixed it.



    We will keep this open to hear back from you.

    Best regards,


    Hello moderators,
    Thanks for all your replies. I must say that I feel a bit embarrassed, with a bliss on my cheeks, because I have never used a child theme yet! Most CSS stuff that I used was minor and not so complicated, so always used the simple way.
    So I guess here is a new challenge for me. But as I understand, doing this afterwords, might cause problems.
    Best regards,


    Don’t worry if you run into issues we are here to help.

    Best regards,

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