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  • #658744

    Hi guys, first congratulation for your wonderful theme!

    I’m having some problems when I use ‘bold’ or ‘italic’ in the posts because the text size is incremented…

    Perhaps it’s a basic question but I’m not able to solve it and my posts seems to be a mess with that. You can see an example in the link:

    Please, It would be great if you can help me with that problem.

    Many thanks in advance and continue doing it so well!


    Hi Gimrog,

    I’m not sure what you mean by that, all the text in the post you linked to seems to be 17 pixels. Could you try to explain a bit further please?

    Best regards,


    Hi again,

    I just check it again and i discover that the problem only occurs in computers, not in mobile devices… (I’m using last version of Safari for mac)

    The text highlighted in bold appears much bigger than the normal text and the unique solution I found to distinguish them from the titles is to put all the titles in Upper cases…

    I can’t attach pictures in the reply but you can see it in the same link than i posted two days ago If you need it, i can open another topic attaching the images.

    Many thanks for your support.



    I get the same results on Safari as on Chrome on Mac, I can’t see any difference in text size. Please upload screenshots to a service like dropbox or google drive and then link to the images here.

    Best regards,


    Hi again,

    I’ve also receive the same result (the wrong ones in Safari and Google Chrome…). I’ve been tested in two different computer (both with mac system) with the same wrong results…

    The problem occurs only in strong (bold) text, not in italic, sorry for this misunderstanding.

    I’m attaching the links to the pictures in dropbox service.

    Please, let me know


    Hi again,

    Still with the problem, also in Italic texts….. see the picture

    Thanks in advance



    so what do you want to change exactly? cause your screenshots and your website looks good to me. You can use this code inside Quick CSS field to control bold font size:

    strong {
    font-size: 10px;

    Adjust it as needed.

    Best regards,


    Hi Andy,

    I can’t belive you don’t see any difference in the text size in the pictures.

    The text in bold is much higher than normal one *o normal one, smaller than the bold text, I don-t know what is the problem.

    I-be seen the same post on PC with Explorer and it seem OK…



    the only thing I see is that the text is bold, nothing more. As said if you want to change font size for bold fonts then use my code.

    Best regards,

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