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  • #1187342


    First and foremost – LOVE the theme! It’s really great :)

    Now onto the problem… I need to reduce the font size in a few text boxes separately, but no matter what I do – I cannot seem to get the settings to do anything.

    In advanced styling settings I have the <p> tag size set to 16px, as I need bigger text all over the website. Hopefully this is the correct way of doing it.

    Now I need 5 text boxes to have a small font size (10 or 12, maybe smaller – don’t know yet). Problem is – the “font size” option in the text box settings does nothing on any of the 5 boxes.
    I tried the custom CSS approach, where I assigned a custom “rv-col-serv” class to the 5 text boxes and used an expression “.rv-col-serv { font-size: 100px; }” in the quick CSS. This did not do anything.
    I also tried to change the text box type from <p> to maybe <h6> or whatever, leaving the custom CSS class – thinking that maybe the advanced styling for the <p> tag is overriding any changes – this did not work either.

    I really need to make some text smaller and I’m lost as to why nothing works.


    Hey clikcreations,

    Could you post a link to where we can see the problems please?

    Best regards,



    I’m adding the link in the private box below.
    I’d like to change the font size of the 5 boxes in the grey ribbon to something smaller.




    Thanks for that. Please try the following in Quick CSS under Enfold->General Styling:

    .page-id-535 #av_section_3 .av_one_fifth .avia_textblock {
      font-size: 12px;

    Best regards,



    Thanks for the try, but this changed nothing :/


    I decided to remove the advanced styling where I was forcing the <p> tag to have 1.6em spacing and 16px font size… That then enabled your code to work.

    It seems to be that the advanced styling overrides everything.


    I seem to have another problem on that same page… the “read more” button does not seem to produce a link to the next section if I’m at 1080p or less. On a 1440p screen it works fine.

    An identical button on the “Careers” page works fine regardless of the resolution.

    A client actually was the first to point this out to me, as it did not work on her 720p laptop.



    You should be able to keep your settings in Advanced Styling and use this CSS instead:

    .page-id-535 #av_section_3 .av_one_fifth .avia_textblock {
      font-size: 12px !important;

    The diagonal border is covering your button, do you want to make the section wider, or remove the padding on top of it?

    Best regards,

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