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  • #988807

    Hi guys,
    You really need to add an auto-save feature to the text block!
    This is the 10th time I’ve lost an hour’s work because of this.
    What happens is that when you edit a text block, it’s contents only get saved if you press the Save button at the bottom of the popover. But the thing is that if you accidentally click the mouse button anywhere outside of the text block popover, the overlay is gone, and so are your edits.
    No way to get it back. Not cool.


    Hey Tom,

    I think that would be a great feature too, we’ll see if it can be implemented in a future release. In regards to your problem, I think you should try to save you work a bit more often to make sure that doesn’t happen again.

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard,
    Thanks for getting back to me.
    When I’m in any other program like Photoshop or Word or Premiere, my hand automatically does CTRL + S pretty much every minute I think. I’m sure everyone does this.
    But with WordPress/Enfold, that is not an option :-( As you type, you forget to push the big save button, as it’s not the norm anywhere else. That’s why it would be great to have an autosave feature, or even implement CTRL + S for Enfold’s popovers.


    Hi Tom,

    Yes, I totally agree with you. We’ll have a look at if we can implement this some way in a future release.

    Best regards,

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