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  • #1304356

    Hello, all of a sudden my Enfold template is not loading anymore I think:
    If I switch to the Enfold child theme it kind of looks the way it should but not completely.
    Any idea what might have happened here?


    Hey EricSmeets,

    I’m not sure what is going on there, but it looks like no CSS is loading on your site. Did you change any access rights for the uploads folder maybe? I tried toggling file compression in the theme settings, but it doesn’t seems to save. Please share FTP login details with us in private as well, so that we can have a closer look at the uploads folder.

    Best regards,


    He Rikard, thank! I will set the details in private content.

    I also had issues witht the dynamic_avia folder being huge! And I tried everything I could find on the forums to fix it, but it did not help. I could not even get info about the folder size because it was so big and gave me a time-out. As a last resort I tried deleting the folder to start ‘fresh’ with all the settings in the right place, but I could not even delete it. Maybe I come to think of it some part of the folder has been deleted when I tried it.
    I did however put back a backup of the website a few days ago to get rid of the initial template not loading problem. But maybe the dynamic_avia folder did not get put back completely since a small portion got deleted anyway?

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 9 months ago by EricSmeets.

    Hello, all of a sudden the website is back like it should. No idea why it works now all of a sudden.
    But I still can’t seem to get rid of all these Gigabytes in the dynamic_avia folder. Can you please help me?

    Kind regards, Eric

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 9 months ago by EricSmeets.

    Hi Eric,

    Great, I’m glad to hear that the site is loading again.

    About the dynamic_avia folder; first off, please update the theme to the latest version (4.8.3): After that, please try manually deleting all the files in the dynamic_avia folder. After they are deleted, then try toggling something in the theme settings and save, so that the CSS and JS files will regenerate. After that, you should not have any problems like these.

    Best regards,

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