Tagged: ,

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  • #942693

    Hello Support,

    My client has notified me of a problem that has not existed on their website before: When accessing any of the tag pages, a message is displayed which reads –

    Nothing Found
    Sorry, no posts matched your criteria”

    The only thing that has changed recently to this website is the update of WordPress and the update of Enfold.

    I have deactivated all plugins (same problem remains)
    I have cleared all caches (same problem remains)
    I have activated debugging (no errors are displayed on the website)
    Additionally, I have set ‘Category base’ as category and the ‘tag base’ as tag in the permalink settings (they were blank before).

    If I deactivate Enfold and activate the Twenty Seventeen theme, the problem goes away and the tag page(s) displays information properly.

    The clients’ hosting account is displaying some errors (included in private content below)

    Any assistance you can provide would be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks in advance!


    Hey MLA18,

    Thank you for using Enfold.

    The tag page works if the plugins are deactivated. Please deactivate the plugins then activate them one at a time to find the cause of the issue.

    UPDATE: We also got an error after the we disabled the plugin. Please remove the /usr/home/carlsondash/public_html/carlsondash.com/proctor/wp-content/advanced-cache.php file.

    Best regards,


    “Yoast SEO: Local” appears to be the plugin breaking the tag pages. Color me surprised.

    Is there any work around to this? This one has me puzzled.



    I fixed it. I think the error was triggered by a bug in the yoast local seo code. I contacted the plugin developers and asked them to look into it.

    For the protocol – I commented out line 104 in wpseo-local/classes/class-search.php:

    $groupby .= $this->wpdb->posts . '.ID';

    because it breaks the sql query. It’s not required because the sql query already contains the GROUP BY wp_posts.ID command and this change doesn’t affect the plugin functionality.


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