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  • #1189047

    Hi folks,

    I added a table on a site. On mobile devices the content of the first cell is displayed in every cell of the first column. Desktop view looks fine.

    check the screenshot. “UID” is shown in every cell of the first column.


    guess the first row is treated ad heading row, instead of a default content row. i don’t need/want a heading row.


    We can assist with css to remove the “UID” of each cell for mobile, but we are going to need to see the table. Please link to the page.

    Best regards,


    the site is not public yet, but thanks.


    Sorry for the late reply, you can try this css:

    @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) { 
    .avia-table td:before {
    	display: none !important;

    If this doesn’t help then please let us know when we can see your site to target the correct sectors for your site.

    Best regards,


    Hello Mike,

    a bit better. Repeating content of the first cell in my case “UID” is gone on mobile. Although on mobile the first cell is not showing up at all anymore.

    It’s not a big issue for me, can live with that.

    Thanks Mike ;)


    Glad this is a bit better and you can “live with it”.

    Best regards,

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