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  • #963965

    Hi all

    I have a table of data – 7 columns by 5 rows (including headers). On desktop, the table displays absolutely fine, and to be fair, I’m happy with the look. When it comes to mobile however, the columns are stacked one above the other, before the content below displays. This is awful!

    I have searched through the forum and have found a solution that could work for me, but following the instructions on the post that I found, I couldn’t get it to work – this may just be me, but some help would be appreciated!

    The table in question is on this page –>

    It is in preparation for the World Cup and shows the progress in the group stages. If I could get some help so that this page displays (and I know how to do it), I can replicate this for the other 7 groups myself, and any future pages that may benefit.

    The solution that was used that could work, is to display fewer columns on mobile. If possible, the bare minimum would be column 1 (Country), Column 6 (GD) and Column 7 (Pts), with the full table being displayed on desktop.

    How can I achieve this using this theme, or how can I get the full table to display properly on mobile?

    Many thanks



    Hey Steve,

    I can’t reproduce the behaviour you are describing on my end using Chrome. Could you post a screenshot of what you are seeing on your end and how to reproduce it please?

    Best regards,

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