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  • #771717

    Dear Kriesi,

    Is it possible to make the new slide tabs slide with “swipe/slide” movement on mobile devices?
    Instead of clicking to go to the next tab, use slide movement with finger.

    Best regards,


    Hey Jeroen0517,

    I guess it is possible, but it’s not available out of the box. It needs some customization.
    Could you please give us a link to your website, we need more context to be able to help you.

    Best regards,


    It is working already. You should swipe on the text. Maybe it is also possible to use that function on the icons?


    Hi Jeroen0517,

    Could you please give us a link to your website, we need more context to be able to help you.

    Best regards,



    did you find a solution? I’d like to have this feature, too for this client’s draft:

    Thanks and cheers,
    Jan :)


    Hi Jan,

    The tabs swipe on your website, the tab tiles do not, you have to click on them. Is this the behavior you want?

    Best regards,


    Hi Victoria,

    yes, I’d like to swipe the tab titles, too as it is a natural move (fedback from many clients).

    Would that be possible?

    Thanks and cheers,
    Jan :)


    Hi Jan,

    It is not possible out of the box at this point, you could request it as a feature here.

    If you need further assistance please let us know.
    Best regards,


    The feature request page is not working so I’ll say it here: I would also really love it when the tabs (images/icons) on mobile can be swiped. Now nothing happens but when you swipe the text you go to the next tab. Thats perfect! But now it’s not totally clear as a visitor on my site that there are more tabs ‘outside’ the mobile screen.

    Hopefully it can be implemented as feature function :) Thanks!


    Hi jannnnnneke,

    Well, yes, the form for the requests is not working anymore.

    Yes, the tab titles need to be tapped to move but the tab content can be swiped on the mobile. Some users choose to add arrows on the side to indicate that there are more tabs.

    Here is one way to do it:

    If you need further assistance please let us know.
    Best regards,

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