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  • #1118739

    Hi I’m not sure why the tab section align to the left when I’m using the fixed frame layout. Can you help check if this is a bug or it’ supposed to work this way?


    Hey dinmix,

    That looks like the default behaviour, what exactly are you looking to change?

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard

    If you see the link. Its not centered. Its aligned to the left and it created a lot of space on the right. It will only be centered if I remove the frame and chose the stretch or box layout. I show you how it looks when its without frame in the link.


    Hi dinmix,

    Could you please attach a mockup of what you’re trying to achieve?

    Best regards,


    Hi Victoria

    I just want it to appear how it appeared on the stretch layout. Please see how it looks like on the stretch layout. Its centralise. When I set it to fixed frame layout, the tab column goes left.

    Best Regards


    Hi Din,

    Here is the code you can put in Enfold > General Styling > Quick Css,  if it does not work, put into themes/enfold/css/custom.css

     .av-framed-box .av-layout-tab-inner .container {
         margin: 0 auto;

    If you need further assistance please let us know.

    Best regards,


    Hi Victoria

    Thanks for that. It centralised now but the right side appear to be out of the frame so the width on the left and right column is not the same. There is more space on the left side compared to the right. To illustrate further I have attached the image for you to see what I meant.

    Best Regards


    Hi Din,

    The tab section is spread much father then the width of the screen, because the tabs slide from side to side and they stay within the same container horizontally and so it might seem that it breaks out.

    Best regards,


    Hi Victoria

    Thanks for your clarification. The left portion of the tab section is within the frame container but only the right seems to overflow outside the container. THis way I will not be able to properly centralised the section. Is it possible to keep the tab section within the frame to get it centralised properly?

    When I changed the layout to Stretched Layout and Boxed Layout, the tab section sit nicely within the container.

    Best Regards



    That’s odd. Use this css code to pull the tab container slightly to the left.

    .av-framed-box .av-layout-tab-inner .ner {
        position: relative;
        left: -25px;

    Let us know if that helps.

    Best regards,

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